Stoneyford Active Retirement Group

12 Márta 2022

Na Lusanna ag cromadh a gcinn!

Flower Arranging:

There was a slight change in schedule for SARG this week. Spaisteoirí Átha Stúin moved their field of interest i.e. Walking in Company, from Mondays to Fridays. This was to facilitate the beginning of the Flower Arranging classes which are timetabled for Mondays.
Places in this class are much sought after, the classes are usually booked out within days. Some beautiful arrangements were made and we look forward to the weekly results.


On Wednesday morning the Bowls players met for a game of Bowls in Stoneyford Community Centre. As usual great fun was had by all.

Fit Club

The next group of 5 Fit Club sessions, with Séamus, will begin on 23 March 2022. All are welcome. The cost is €35 for the entire course or €7 per night. Participants are encouraged to pay for the entire course on the first night. This cuts down on administration and acts as an impetus to attend every night.

On Wednesday we had our usual session with Séamus. As is normal there was a good attendance and everyone went home tired, creaking but happy.


On Thursday afternoon the SARG card players met for a session of 25’s. This is a fun game and all are welcome.


On Friday the unspeakable happened, the Walk in Company was cancelled due to inclement weather and the fact that some of the intrepid walkers were discommoded due to colds, flues and chills.

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1 Response

  1. Imelda Gillespie says:

    Anyone want to go on a Biodiversity Walk , in Laois and Kilkenny,
    Go to. for places and dates.

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