A.G.M. 2024
Minutes of the Executive Meeting of Stoneyford Development Association
28 November 2024 at 8.30pm
Present: Fr. Cassin, Paul Moran, Adele Walsh, Maija Griffin, John Kennedy, John Raggett, Joe Whyte, Mick Fennelly, Christy Sullivan, Margaret Hogan, Vivion Fennelly, Julie Brett, Miriam Dowling, Joe Sheridan, Maura Raggett.
Apologies: Conchubhar de Roiste, Jackie de Roiste, Kathryn Moore, Helen Finnegan, Paul Hickey, Rob Lee, Ken Cogley, Evan Butler, Deidre Cullen, Kieran Byrne.
The meeting was called to order at 8.30pm.
The Chairperson Adele Walsh presided.
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last AGM – 03.05.2023 @ 8pm were read out.
Proposed: Fr. Cassin
Seconded: Maura Raggett
Chairpersons Report:
On mine, John and Ken’s behalves, you are all welcome here tonight to the AGM of the Stoneyford Development Association.
Apologies for the delay in holding the AGM, the summer ended up getting away from me and its easier get stars to align than the executive here!
This is our first AGM and it’s been a busy 18 months. Our sincere thanks to Joe and Fred, who have been most helpful over that time in helping us get to know the ropes and we sincerely appreciate their help.
Taking on the role initially was a leap, but knowing the support of John and Ken was there, as well as many others on the committee, made the transition easier.
I grew up in a small village and am used to the comings and goings, but it’s been an extraordinary year really. Getting to know so many more people in the community has definitely been the highlight. In that time, talking to people has helped develop a goal for the centre, and more, in my mind. The many rounds of grants available in that time have helped progress the possibility and we’re very much in reach of that now.
While initially voted in, I suppose, on a ticket to oversee the resurfacing and re-lighting of the community field, this quickly became secondary while the wheels of planning turned slowly. Having the community centre and facilities used by as much of the community as possible and continuing collaboration with the various user groups was always our number one goal. Joe cautioned us last May about not neglecting any sections of the community, and I hope it’s fair to say that we haven’t.
The normal weekly activities continue, our Active Retirement Group have continued their great classes and meetings for example, but we have had many other groups use the “Green Room” upstairs for art classes, both ETB and individually funded, movie nights, parties etc.
Summer 23 seems so far away, but started with the playground fence and equipment being painted, as well as some busted fencing on the river side being replaced by the Parks department of the KK CoCo.
The Christmas fair returned in December re-marketed as a Craft and Food Fair (off the back of a very short conversation with a crafter at the communion tea/coffee here last year!). This was a huge success, and hopefully, with better weather, will be even better this year.
As part of the Kilkenny Recreation and Sports Partnership grants last year, we successfully ran Operation Transformation part 2. While not as successful in terms of turnout as the original in 2020, it was still a great success. We had a really fun “Glow Sports” program for teenage girls also. This programme continues to give back to the centre in terms of being able to host “Glow Parties” and glow soccer/basketball for other groups.
We’re very fortunate to have access to someone like Pamela Sheridan whose design skills for posters and promotional material have proved invaluable for marketing our ideas!
Further into this year we had the Easter Gathering again for those retired in the area. Another great day of eating and drinking. We’ll hopefully have the dancing part back next year, it was certainly missed!
We had the exciting, gradual reveal of Dan Leo’s mural masterpiece in May, led by the Parks department of the county council and sponsored by the environment department, aimed at helping increase our awareness of biodiversity in the area.
More good news after that was of the approval for the County Council to develop the remainder of the footpath to Ennisnag as part of the Government’s Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Fund.
While all those went on, grant applications popped up all over the place and we grabbed them with both hands. They have allowed us to develop a vision for the use of the hall, much of it based on Sheila and Rose’s ideas for promoting the hall as a viable venue for groups/plays/shows etc.
There were many late nights with texts to John going back and forth looking for this piece of paperwork, or that statement to fulfil application requirements. Many of them paid off. The biggest of which was the Climate Action Grant Programme awarded in August from the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications under Eamon Ryan, DECC.
This grant, to the tune of €45k, goes towards the
- complete retrofit of all lighting and other electrical elements in the building,
- replacing the emergency exit doors,
- upgrading of insulation/heating as needed, as well as
- providing new bike racks and a new bike repair station.
- In spring 2025, some monies will go towards planting perennials in some beds around the centre.
While these works will improve the energy foot print of the centre, the
19k grant from the Community Centre Investment Fund from the Department of Rural and Community Development, DRCD, under Heather Humphries,
- will help us refurbish the main hall floor,
- improve the main hall’s sound system and
- paint the interior of the building, making it all shiny!
Early in the summer, an application to the Credit Union Connect Fund saw us awarded €8,000 towards
- the installation of a new stage lighting system. The sound and lighting upgrade will commence in January.
The results of the most recent Sports Capital Grants were announced in September and we were delighted to be awarded 97k towards the cost of refurbishing the track and lighting. Work that will hopefully go hand in hand with the pitch resurfacing.
We were lucky to get a CE scheme worker last November, Mick Barcoe. Mick is still with us and we also now have Michael Collins under the Tús scheme from the Kilkenny Leader Partnership. Having them in the building is hugely important as we are now the base for the Kings River Community Day Centre from Monday to Friday 8.30am until 3.30. Juggling rooms and bookings is a full time job! Having such a big group using the centre brings a great buzz to the place. Their renovation works are due to last 8 months, but we all know what that means!!
Only just 2 weeks ago we started collaborating with CISE, the Community Initiative for Social Ecology. Driven by Helen Finnegan and John O’Connor. They have 2 trainees working with a horticultural mentor for a couple of hours a week, with a view to creating and maintaining a composting area and relevant “season dependent” work as time goes by.
This collaboration and work will be really beneficial for the community and we hope to get individuals more involved. It will tie in very well also with the terrific work that’s been done throughout the year on our Tidy Towns approach. While initially disappointed with our increase of 6 points, compared to the winning towns’ points, it looks like they’re very hard to come by and we did pretty well in fact! But also the benefit to individuals in the village here and in Ennisnag of all the works done has been enormous and created a huge sense of pride in the place.
We have also just finished an initiative supported by the Kilkenny Sports and Recreation Partnership. A 4 week “Thrive for Life” program for all levels. This year’s Women and Girls in Sport initiative sees the 2nd of 3 hikes for Moms and daughters next Sunday as they head to Brandon. Next year’s KRSP grants will be even earlier, so send on your ideas!
Speaking of next year. It looks like it will be another busy one, with many moving parts! The lighting upgrade will be completed, emergency doors installed, stage lighting and sound, painting and more no doubt at the centre. Outside the doors, depending on planning permission, hopefully the resurfacing project, more fun Tidy Towns initiatives, completion of the footpath and more!
It has been an exciting 18 months. While there was massive learning involved, It has been an absolute privilege to be so involved in the running of such an amazing facility and community, and I look forward to more opportunities in 2025!!
In spite of advice not to be specific in case of missing someone, I do want to thank a lot of people!
- John, Ken and Pauline, for their cooperation and patience.
- The wider development association and Tidy Towns committees, but specifically:
- Mick Fennelly, whose request to create a new flowerbed inspired everyone to roll up their sleeves.
- Kathryn Moore, Tara McCall and Maija Griffin who were called on lots of times to help clean the hall.
- John Raggett, Martin Raggett, Vivion and Alex Fennelly, and Darragh for the continued maintenance of the pitch and grass areas. They all got calls for lots of other work also of course!
- Catherina Roche, Sheila Raggett, Helen Finnegan for planting and maintaining the village flowerbeds and new flower and window boxes.
- Helen’s son Colm and Anthony Holland for making and painting the boxes, water pump and Johnny’s wheelbarrow!
- Thank you to John Devitor for the pallets for the wood.
- Paddy and Michael O’Dwyer for their work on the grids for the UV lighting and refurbishing the refuse bin.
- Liam Ireland and Tommy O’Leary for those last minute electrical and plumbing problems.
- Fr. Cassin for his support.
- Conchubhar for maintaining the SDA website.
- Múinteoir Kieran for his support in the school.
- Tus and CE scheme leaders, Mike Redmond and Margaret. Mick Barcoe and Michael Collins here at the hall.
- Margaret Hogan and Miriam Dowling for administering the Text Alert Group, as well as their work with SARG.
- Ciara Kelly from the KRSP.
- Kilkenny County Council, specifically Claire Prendergast, Acting Community Climate Action Officer, without whose help and guidance we’d never have made our way through the grant and claim process,
- Catherine Byrne Murphy for her advice on grants to help with the hall refurbishment,
- Declan Murphy and Frank Stafford, area and county engineers,
- Tim Butler, Paul Moran and Mags Whelan of the parks and environment departments,
- Councillor Deirdre Cullen for being there to help with grant applications and pushing the footpath agenda, and
- Councillor Joe Sheridan for digging in when needed also!
Treasurers Report:
Proposed: Vivion Fennelly
Seconded: Paul Moran
Thanks Adele. I must also thank Adele for her tireless work over the last 18months.
Between managing hall bookings, Grant Applications and numerous meetings and events she has thrown herself 100% into the SDA and the community is all the better for it.
Figures for 2023:
Opening Balance was 14,065.13
Grant Income €7,650, Hall Income €24,200. Short Term Loan of €6,000 was to enable us to have enough funds in the account to submit the application for the Sports Capital Grant – which was successful. This was repaid 2 months later.
· Final Clann Creedo loan repayment was made in early 2023.
· Solicitor’s fees were in relation to finalising the KK Co.Co. Lease – Renewed to 25 years for the grant application.
· All other expenses were normal running expenses
Closing Balances: Current Account €16,829.69
Tidy Towns Account € 2,131.91
Credit Union A/c € 556.12
Total balances €19,517.72
Figures for 2024 YTD:
Opening balance was €16,829.69
Grant Income YTD €11,300 – €14,385.59 due before y/end. Total Grants approved for €173,600.
Received €8K from Credit Union but this project not due to begin until 2025
Hall Income currently €21,846 which is in line with 2023 income.
Have paid out deposit towards fire escape doors & lighting. Paid for Bike stand and Blinds – Grant income due in against these.
Audit fees yet to be paid. Giving consideration to switching auditors due to the responsiveness/delays encountered with the current Auditor. Any objections to this?
All other expenditure in line with 2023
Current Balances: Current Account €17,009.04
Tidy Towns Account € 3,021.72
Credit Union A/c € 557.25
Total balances €20,588.01
Community Centre Investment Grant from the Department of Rural and Community Development.
The grant funding for same was discussed and a vote taken to unanimously accept it.
Christmas Fair:
Maija Griffin gave a full report on last year’s Fair, and also the plans for the upcoming Fair on December 8th. There is big interest in stall holders again. Also, any help will be welcome on the day.
Tidy Towns:
Plan for next year was outlined by Adele.
A biodiversity officer to be appointed. Paul Moran kindly offered to take up the role for 2025. (Post meeting, Julie Brett offered help in this regard).
Another mural was suggested in the future.
Vivion Fennelly made a point that a lot of manpower is involved to keep footpaths and other areas free from weeds/grass. It is hoped the CISE programme will help with this in the future.
A new set of keys is to be purchased for the noticeboard.
Joe Whyte suggested that the Garda barracks should be repurposed as a house or community facility. (Post meeting, Joe Whyte offered to follow up with relevant personnel/bodies.)
AOB: – School:
142 to be enrolled in the school in the new year.
Enrolments for next year are slow at the moment. A lack of pre/after school is suggested as the reason. A facility in the hall would be welcome. Kieran (School Principal) would be willing to help to set this up.
F. Cassin said there is an early stage plan to add a new SNA room onto the school.
The footpath extension to Ennisnag is due to start the week following the meeting. Confirmed that footpath will stay on the right hand side with 2 pedestrian crossings, one at the Slán area and one at Ennisnag. It is planned for ducting for lights to be laid, with hopes for lights to be added sooner rather than later.
Adele closed the meeting at 9.25pm.
Next AGM: