Useful Services (Local)

If you would like to advertise your Business or Service here please forward your details using the Contact Us link on the Main Menu.

1.   Walshe’s Shop Stoneyford.

Nollaig faoi shéan is faoi mhaise do chách.

We would like to wish all our customers and friends a holy and a happy Christmas.

Opening times:

Monday to Friday: 07:30-21:00

Saturday: 08:00-20:00

Sunday: 09:00-18:00 (Winter Months)

2. Stoneyford Engineering trading as M&J Engineering

Stoneyford Engineering trading as M&J Engineering provides a highly skilled service in the creation of wrought iron gates, wrought iron railings and unique metal fabrications.

Contact: 056-77-28526

3.KSM Ventilation / O Dwyer Fuels, main St. Stoneyford.

Contact details: 086-390 2884 or Email:

Suppliers of Solid Fuel, Calor Gas, Home Heating Oil, Bord na Mona Briquettes and Fire Logs.

Find us on Facebook:

Open Xmas eve until 12 midday. Re-open 28th December.