Category: Sports


Carrickshock G.A.A

Hi all …we are nearly there looking forward to seeing you all back on the 26th … your coaches will be in contact with dates and times , please complete your registration via


Carrickshock G.A.A.

Feabhra 2021 Carrickshock G.A.A. Club: The Annual General Meeting of Carrickshock G.A.A. Club will be held on Friday 12th. February at 8.00p.m.   This year the meeting will be online using ZOOM.  For further information email: Lotto:              ...


Carrickshock G.A.A.

Carrickshock G.A.A. Club: The Club wish to acknowledge and thank sincerely all who contributed to their recent fundraisers; the Annual Golf Classic and the Piltown Draw.  Your support is much appreciated. 


Carrickshock G.A.A.

Carrickshock G.A.A. Under Covid19 guidelines restricted numbers of 200 can only attend upcoming matches.  Registered members only will be included in raffle for tickets. Any further queries contact Tommy Murphy or Mary Carroll. 


Carrickshock G.A.A.

  Carrickshock G.A.A, and Carrickshock Camogie Clubs have returned to play. Membership available via klubfunder/Carrickshock or to any committee member.  Under Covid19 guidelines restricted numbers of 200 can only attend upcoming matches. Registered members...