Hugginstown, Newmarket and Stoneyford.
Hugginstown, Newmarket and Stoneyford.
16th. and 17th. March 2024.
“Fifth Sunday of Lent” – “Feast of St. Patrick”
Priests in the Parish:
Liam Cassin (Parish Priest) Telephone: 056 776 8693 or Mobile 087 231 2354
Peter Hoyne (Retired) Telephone: 056 776 8678 or Mobile 086 373 8492
Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish:
Monday 18th. to Sunday 24th. March 2024.
Palm Sunday: 2024:
Palm will be blessed at the beginning of all Masses next weekend
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30 a.m.
- Vigil – Saturday 23rd. at 8.00p.m.
- Palm Sunday 24th. at 10.00a.m.
- Wednesday 20th. at 7.00p.m.
- Vigil – Saturday 16th. at 6.30p.m. (Palm will be blessed at the beginning of Mass)
Tuesday 19th. Feast of St. Joseph (Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Pray For:
- Nellie O’Shea, Boolyglass.
- Anne Healy, Knockmoylan.
Anniversary Masses:
- Catherine Barron, Catstown: Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 16th. March at 8.00p.m.
- Mai Carroll, Kyleva: Mass in Hugginstown Church on Sunday 17th. March at
Months Mind Mass:
- Josh Dineen,Keatingstown: Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 23rd. March at 8.00p.m.
Rota for next week-end:
23rd. and 24th. March – (Palm Sunday)
- Stoneyford: Saturday 6.30p.m. Catherina Roche.
- Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. John Barron.
- Sunday 10.00a.m. Noreen Kenneally
Eucharistic Ministers:
- Stoneyford: Saturday 6.30p.m. Kitty Wallace.
- Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Mary Cahill.
- Sunday 10.00a.m. Ruth Crowley.
Parish Contributions:
The “Church Door” Contributions on last weekend amounted to €595.00. Thank You.
Diocesan Lenten Programme:
“Faith, Hope and Love” Lenten Retreat in Kilkenny City Parishes:
In St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish on Monday 18th. March at 7.30p.m
In St. Patrick’s Parish on Tuesday 19th. March at 7.30p.m
In St. John’s Parish on Wednesday 20th. March at 7.30p.m
In St. Canice’s Parish, Lenten Penitential Service on Thursday 21st. 7.30p.m.
Monroe School:
Meeting of the Board of Management will be held on Thursday 21st. at 8.00p.m.
S. N. Móin Ruadh are now accepting enrolments for September 2024. Enrolment Forms can be downloaded from the website: or by emailing the office on or calling the office on 056 776 8931.
Newmarket School:
Meeting of the Board of Management will be held on Wednesday 20th. at 8.00p.m.
Newmarket NS is now taking enrolments for September 2024 and for After-School Care. Please contact 089 257 2031 or
Glow Sports for Girls
This is a new initiative for teenage girls, funded by Kilkenny Recreation and Sports Partnership. Starting Friday March 1st. at 8.00p.m. and running for 6 weeks. All will have a chance to try out different sports, wearing fluorescent bibs and using equipment that glows under UV light when the main lights are off. This is a great opportunity for girls that maybe have never played sports, or that dropped out for any reason.
Contact Adele for more information 087 938 4521.
Children’s Charity Tractor Run!!!
Children’s Charity Tractor Run in aid of Crumlin Children’s Hospital will be held on Monday 18th. March at 2.00p.m.; starting at Hugginstown Church and going around the Walking Track on the G.A.A. Grounds, followed by Tea/Coffee & Pastries in the Centre. All are welcome Kids Tractors; Trikes; Go-Carts; but no big bikes please.
Aghaviller Parish and Carrickshock G. A. A.
Draw: Monday 11th. March 2024 Numbers: 14; 30; 32; 10.
- No Winner First 3 Numbers Drawn:
- No Jackpot Winner:
€30.00 Winners:
- Mary Cuddihy, Ballinteskin;
- Mary & Dan Doyle, c/o James Irish.
- Eileen Walsh, Garrygaug.
- Catherine Barron, Sheepstown.
- Teresa Fitzgerald, Hugginstown;
3 x €15.00 (Sellers):
- Walshe’s Shop;
- Padraig Crowley;
- Pat Dwyer.
Next Draw on Monday 18th. March. Please submit returns by 8.30p.m. Draw at 9.00p.m.
Next week: Match 3: €500.00; (First 3 Numbers Drawn) Jackpot: €5,100.00. (4 Numbers)
Stoneyford – Historical & Heritage Archive:
It has been suggested that a historical and heritage archive of the Stoneyford area be setup. Initial suggestions are that local people are asked to provide information, either in writing or orally, on areas of particular interest to them. These are then stored on a word processor and thus are available to all.
Initial suggested areas are:
- The milling industry;
- history of Carrickshock GAA club;
- the Kings river bridges;
- the development of the roads infrastructure;
- developments in agriculture,
- the cricket club; memories of school; etc T
- he list is endless.
Depending on positive feedback, contact will be made with locals who have relevant knowledge.
South Kilkenny Historical Society:
A Lecture on “The Army Mutiny of 1924” will be given by Mr. John Dorney
on Friday, 22nd. March in Mullinavat Hall at 8.00p.m. All are welcome.
If you wish to receive the weekly Newsletter by email, please drop us your email address.
The Newsletter is also available on the Stoneyford Website every week.( All notices for the Newsletter to be left in before 5.00p.m. on Thursdays please.
Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email:
First Reading
A Reading from the Prophet Jeremiah:
See, the days are coming – it is the Lord who speaks – when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel (and the House of Judah), but not a covenant like the one I made with their ancestors on the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt. They broke that covenant of mine, so I had to show them who was master. It is the Lord who speaks. No, this is the covenant I will make with the House of Israel when those days arrive – it is the Lord who speaks. Deep within them I will plant my Law, writing it on their hearts. Then I will be their God and they shall be my people. There will be no further need for neighbour to try to teach neighbour, or brother to say to brother, ‘Learn to know the Lord!’ No, they will all know me, the least no less than the greatest – it is the Lord who speaks – since I will forgive their iniquity and never call their sin to mind.
The Word of the Lord
Responsorial Psalm
Response: A pure heart create for me, O God.
Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness.
In your compassion blot out my offence.
O wash me more and more from my guilt
and cleanse me from my sin.
A pure heart create for me, O God.
A pure heart create for me, O God,
put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence,
nor deprive me of your holy spirit.
A pure heart create for me, O God.
Give me again the joy of your help;
with a spirit of fervour sustain me,
that I may teach transgressors your ways
and sinners may return to you.
A pure heart create for me, O God.
Second Reading:
A Reading from the Letter to the Hebrews:
During his life on earth, Christ offered up prayer and entreaty, aloud and in silent tears, to the one who had the power to save him out of death, and he submitted so humbly that his prayer was heard. Although he was Son, he learnt to obey through suffering; but having been made perfect, he became for all who obey him the source of eternal salvation.
The Word of the Lord
Gospel Acclamation (Please stand)
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!
Whoever serves me must follow me, says the Lord;
and where I am, there also will my servant be.
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!
A Reading from the Holy Gospel of St. John:
Among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. These approached Philip, who came from Bethsaida in Galilee, and put this request to him, ‘Sir, we should like to see Jesus.’ Philip went to tell Andrew, and Andrew and Philip together went to tell Jesus. Jesus replied to them:
‘Now the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
I tell you, most solemnly, unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies,
it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest.
Anyone who loves his life loses it; anyone who hates his life in this world
will keep it for the eternal life. If a man serves me, he must follow me,
wherever I am, my servant will be there too. If anyone serves me, my Father
will honour him.
Now my soul is troubled. What shall I say: Father, save me from this hour?
But it was for this very reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify
your name!’ A voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and I will glorify
it again.’ People standing by, who heard this, said it was a clap of thunder;
others said, ‘It was an angel speaking to him.’ Jesus answered, ‘It was not for
my sake that this voice came, but for yours. ‘Now sentence is being passed on
this world; now the prince of this world is to be overthrown.
And when I am lifted up from the earth, I shall draw all men to myself.’
By these words he indicated the kind of death he would die.
The Gospel of the Lord.