Aghaviller Parish Newsletter

Hugginstown, Newmarket and Stoneyford

23rd.  and 24th. December 2023.      

The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

“Fourth Sunday of Advent”   

Priests in the Parish:

Liam Cassin (Parish Priest)  Telephone: 056 776 8693 or Mobile 087 231 2354

Peter Hoyne (Retired)           Telephone: 056 776 8678 or Mobile 086 373 8492

  • Saturday 23th. December :   In Stoneyford Church at 6.30p.m.  In Hugginstown Church at 8.00p.m.:
  • Sunday 24th. December:   In Stoneyford Church at 5.30p.m.  In Hugginstown Church at 7.00p.m.:    
  • Monday 25th. December: In Stoneyford Church at 10.00a.m: In Hugginstown Church at 11.00a.m.

Many of the children will be taking an active part on Sunday 24th.. They will be involved with the Choirs, Readings, Prayers, Gifts, Servers etc.  All children are invited to bring a little gift for other children who are in need.  We ask parents to come with their children and to join in the singing of the Christmas Carols and to celebrate as family. 

Tuesday 26th.  to Sunday 31st. December 2023


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m.

Vigil – Saturday 30th. at 8.00p.m.

Sunday 31st. at 10.00a.m. 


Vigil – Wednesday 27th. at 7.00p.m.

Vigil – Saturday 30th.@ 6.30p.m.  

  • Tuesday 26th Feast of St. Stephen. 
  • Wednesday 27th.  Feast of St. John (Apostle)
  • Thursday 28th.   Feast of The Holy Innocents;  
  • Friday 29th. Feast of St. Thomas Becket.

Anniversary Mass:    

Mary and Richard Burke, Croan.  Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 23rd. December at 8.00p.m.

Margaret and Richard Millea, Kyleva.

Anniversary Mass next weekend;     

Katie, Tommy and Cissie Delahunty, Catstown.  Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 30th. December at 8.00p.m.

30th. and 31st. December 2023 (Feast of the Holy Family)


Stoneyford:     Saturday 6.30p.m. Tom King.

Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. John Barron. Sunday 10.00a.m. Mary Carroll   

Eucharistic Ministers:    

Stoneyford:     Saturday 6.30p.m. Natalia Smolen

Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Trisha Barron. Sunday 10.00a.m.  Ruth Crowley 

The “Church Door” Contributions last weekend amounted to €575.00. Thank You. 

Envelopes for your Christmas Offerings 2023 may be collected in the Church Porch, and your contributions may be handed in during the coming weeks: or you may wish to donate directly – Use IBAN:  IE19 AIBK 9330 9000 0561 20 (BIC: AIBKIE2D).

Many thanks for all your support and contributions during the past year.

Roman Catholic Diocese and Parishes of Ossory – Registered Charity No. 20015831

Diocesan Designated Liaison Person: Ms. Ailish Higgins Tel: 087 100 0232.

Aghaviller Parish Representatives are: Deirdre Rohan and Catherina Roche. 

The Annual Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 is now available to book!

The departure will take place on 22nd. May 2024 from Cork Airport; flying direct to Lourdes with accommodation available in the hotels La Solitude, Padoue or Agena.  With capacity being limited this year, it is strongly advised that pilgrims wishing to travel to Lourdes book as soon as possible.
Should you require any additional information on the pilgrimage, please do not hesitate to contact 01 241 0800 or For Assisted Pilgrims please contact Fr. Anthony O’Connor 087 251 7766 or

Hugginstown District and Community Centre in association with Carrickshock G.A.A. invite all to the new walkway at Hugginstown on Saturday December 30th. at 4.00p.m. to enjoy this new amenity. Walk and donate to GOAL: 

Lá an Dreoilín (Wren Day) event will be held on Tuesday, December 26th. at Mullinavat Parish Hall and Church Car Park.  Starting time 11.00a.m. All welcome. 

Aghaviller Parish and Carrickshock G. A. A.

Draw: Monday 18th. December 2023

Numbers: 30; 32; 08; 16.

No Winner First 3 Numbers Drawn:

No Jackpot Winner: 

€30.00. Winners: 

  1. Aisling Rohan, Carraigetna;  
  2. Tommy Hoyne, Croan;
  3. Eamon Irish, Knocktopher; 
  4. Carmel Raggett, Aghaviller; 
  5. Steven Conway, Rathduff

€50.00 Christmas Winners: 

  1. Catherine Conway, Kells; 
  2. Patrick Farrell, Lismatigue

3 x €15.00 (Sellers): 

  1. James Irish;
  2. Teresa Fitzgerald;
  3. Ann Power.

Next Draw on Monday 8th. January.  Please submit returns by 8.30p.m. Draw at 9.00p.m.

Next Draw: Match 3: €500.00; (First 3 Numbers Drawn)   Jackpot: €7,300.00. (4 Numbers)

If you are leaving your home even for a short time, do lock all external doors and windows.  Make sure all candles and naked lights are out before you leave or before you retire to bed.  Be extra careful on the roads during the Christmas season and do show care for others.  Safe Driving!  With the ‘Text Alert’ in operation please be vigilant and always be aware there is always Garda help close at hand. 

God, our Father,   We are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son;   One family, in the Spirit of your love.   Bless us with the joy of love.  Make us patient and kind, gentle and generous, welcoming to those in need.   Help us to live your forgiveness and peace. Protect all our families with your loving care.    Increase our faith,   Strengthen our hope;  Keep us safe in your love,  Make us always grateful for the gift of life that we share together. 

If you wish to receive the weekly Newsletter by email, please drop us your email address.

The Newsletter is also available on the Stoneyford Website every week.(   

All notices for the Newsletter to be left in before 5.00p.m. on Thursdays please.                      

Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email:

The Joy of Christmas be in your Hearts

And A Happy and Peaceful Christmas to All.

A Reading from the Second Book of Samuel:

Once David had settled into his house and the Lord had given him rest from all the enemies surrounding him, the king said to the prophet Nathan, ‘Look, I am living in a house of cedar while the ark of God dwells in a tent.’ Nathan said to the king, ‘Go and do all that is in your mind, for the Lord is with you.’

But that very night the word of the Lord came to Nathan:

‘Go and tell my servant David, “Thus the Lord speaks: Are you the man to build me a house to dwell in? I took you from the pasture, from following the sheep, to be leader of my people Israel; I have been with you on all your expeditions; I have cut off all your enemies before you. I will give you fame as great as the fame of the greatest on earth. I will provide a place for my people Israel; I will plant them there and they shall dwell in that place and never be disturbed again; nor shall the wicked continue to oppress them as they did, in the days when I appointed judges over my people Israel; I will give them rest from all their enemies. The Lord will make you great; the Lord will make you a House. And when your days are ended and you are laid to rest with your ancestors, I will preserve the offspring of your body after you and make his sovereignty secure. I will be a father to him and he a son to me; if he does evil, I will punish him with the rod such as men use, with strokes such as mankind gives. Your House and your sovereignty will always stand secure before me and your throne be established for ever.”’

The Word of the Lord

Response: I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.

I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord;

through all ages my mouth will proclaim your truth.

Of this I am sure, that your love lasts for ever,

that your truth is firmly established as the heavens.

I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.

‘I have made a covenant with my chosen one;                                                                       

I have sworn to David my servant:

I will establish your dynasty for ever  

and set up your throne through all ages.

I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.

‘He will say to me: “You are my father,  my God, the rock who saves me.”

I will keep my love for him always;  with him my covenant shall last.’

I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.

A Reading from St Paul Letter to the Romans:

Glory to him who is able to give you the strength to live according to the Good News I preach, and in which I proclaim Jesus Christ, the revelation of a mystery kept secret for endless ages, but now so clear that it must be broadcast to pagans everywhere to bring them to the obedience of faith. This is only what scripture has predicted, and it is all part of the way the eternal God wants things to be. He alone is wisdom; give glory therefore to him through Jesus Christ for ever and ever. Amen. 

The Word of the Lord

Alleluia, alleluia!

I am the handmaid of the Lord: let what you have said be done to me.


A Reading from the Holy Gospel of St. Luke:

The angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. He went in and said to her, ‘Rejoice, so highly favoured! The Lord is with you.’ She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the angel said to her, ‘Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favour. Listen! You are to conceive and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David; he will rule over the House of Jacob for ever and his reign will have no end.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘But how can this come about, since I am a virgin?’ ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you’ the angel answered ‘and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God. Know this too: your kinswoman Elizabeth has, in her old age, herself conceived a son, and she whom people called barren is now in her sixth month, for nothing is impossible to God.’ ‘I am the handmaid of the Lord,’ said Mary ‘let what you have said be done to me.’ And the angel left her.

The Gospel of the Lord.

We wish all a Happy Christmas and every good wish for 2024.

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