Aghaviller Parish Newsletter

Hugginstown, Newmarket and Stoneyford

18th. and 19th. November 2023.   

St Cecilia

“Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time”  

Priests in the Parish:

Liam Cassin (Parish Priest)  Telephone: 056 776 8693 or Mobile 087 231 2354

Peter Hoyne (Retired)           Telephone: 056 776 8678 or Mobile 086 373 8492

Monday 20th. to Sunday 26th. November.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m.    

Vigil – Saturday 25th. at 8.00p.m.;

Sunday -26th. at 10.00a.m. 


Vigil – Wednesday 22nd. at 7.00p.m. 

Saturday – 25th. at 6.30p.m.

  • Tuesday 21st. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; 
  • Wednesday 22nd. Feast of St. Cecilia.    
  • Thursday 23rd. Feast of St. Columban. 
  • Friday 24th.     Feast of St. Andrew Dung-Lak and Companions.

Anniversary Mass:    

Ronan Murphy, Dublin and Mount Juliet: First Anniversary Mass in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 18th. November at 6.30p.m.

Months Mind Mass:  Johnny O’Grady, Stoneyford.  Mass in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 25th. November at 6.30p.m.

Anniversary Masses next weekend; 

Maura and Dick Roche, Lawcus.  Mass in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 25th. November at 6.30p.m.

Pat Crowley, Aghaviller.  Mass in Hugginstown Church on Sunday 26th. November at 10.00a.m.

25th. and 26th. November 2023 (Feast of Christ the King)


Stoneyford:     Saturday 6.30p.m. Rita O’Farrell.

Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Catherine Dwyer. Sunday 10.00a.m. Mary Carroll..

Eucharistic Ministers:    

Stoneyford:     Saturday 6.30p.m. Natalia Smolen.

Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Trisha Barron.  Sunday 10.00a.m. Lillian Carr. 

Meeting will be held in the Parish House Hugginstown on Wednesday 22nd. November at 8.00p.m.  All members please attend if possible.

Meeting will be held in the Parish House Hugginstown on Thursday 30th. November at 8.00p.m.  All members please attend if possible.

The “Church Door” Contributions last weekend amounted to €550.00. Thank You.  

Collection in aid of  “Ossory Priests Society” will be held on 25th/26th November.

November Offerings Envelopes 2023 are available at the Church Porch. Your contribution can be left into the Collection Boxes at the Churches or you may donate directly –  Use IBAN:  IE19 AIBK 9330 9000 0561 20 (BIC: AIBKIE2D).

“School Show” – 

Reel in the years with song and sketches from 1948 to 2023 on Thursday 23rd. November at 6.30p.m. in Community Centre.

“School Mass”  –  Mass will be celebrated in Stoneyford Church for all school children, teachers, parents, grandparents and community on Friday 24th. at 11.30a.m.

“School Blessing” Official Opening and Blessing of New Building will be held in the School at 2.15p.m. on Friday This will be followed with a walk around old and new buildings and an opportunity to view past roll books.

“School 75th. Book Launch”  –  Catch up with classmates from over the years with a very interesting Book. 

Book Launch on Friday 24th at 8.00p.m. in Malzards

All are very welcome to all events.

Aghaviller Parish and Carrickshock G. A. A.

Draw: Monday 13th. November 2023 Numbers: 26; 14; 25; 01.

No Winner First 3 Numbers Drawn: No Jackpot Winner:

€30.00. Winners:  Cáit Murphy, Galway; Catherine Dwyer, Croan.

Shem Walpole, Bennettsbridge;  Rosie Kelly, Harristown;   A.+M. Rohan, Carricketna.

3 x €15.00 (Sellers):  Teresa Fitzgerald. John Power; Mary Raggett.

Next Draw on Monday 20th. November.  Please submit returns by 8.30p.m. Draw at 9.00p.m.

Next week: Match 3: €500.00; (First 3 Numbers Drawn)   Jackpot: €6,800.00. (4 Numbers)  

Bishop Niall Coll will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in Hugginstown Church on Thursday 22nd. February 2024 at 11.00a.m.

The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. 

Click on email to find out more about the Online Open Evening on Wednesday 29th. November.   If you have any further questions contact: Frances O’Loughlin, The Priory Institute,  Tallaght Village,  D24 W410

In Loving Memory of our deceased family members, work colleagues, & friends in Tirlán & Glanbia, The Annual Remembrance Mass will take place in St Canice’s Church, Kilkenny, on Friday 24th. November 2023, at 7.30 p.m.  Rosary at 7.15p.m.

On Friday, 24th. November: Lecture by Jack Burtchaell, ‘Government in Ireland after the Civil War’ at 8.00p.m. in Mullinavat Parish Hall.  Free admission.

The Gardai will give a talk to the communities of Stoneyford and Danesfort on matters relating to crime prevention, safety & security in the home, etc. A representative from Family Carers Ireland will also be in attendance and she will speak to us about Senior alarms. The talk will be given in Danesfort Community Centre on Tuesday, 28th. November at 8.00p.m.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

If you wish to receive the weekly Newsletter by email, please drop us your email address.

The Newsletter is also available on the Stoneyford Website every week.(    All notices for the Newsletter to be left in before 5.00p.m. on Thursdays please.                      

Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email:

A Reading from the Book of Proverbs:

A perfect wife – who can find her?

She is far beyond the price of pearls.

Her husband’s heart has confidence in her,

from her he will derive no little profit.

Advantage and not hurt she brings him

all the days of her life.

She is always busy with wool and with flax,

she does her work with eager hands.

She sets her hands to the distaff,

her fingers grasp the spindle.

She holds out her hand to the poor,

she opens her arms to the needy.

Charm is deceitful, and beauty empty;

the woman who is wise is the one to praise.

Give her a share in what her hands have worked for,

and let her works tell her praises at the city gates.

The Word of the Lord

Response: O blessed are those who fear the Lord.

O blessed are those who fear the Lord

and walk in his ways!

By the labour of your hands you shall eat.

You will be happy and prosper.

O blessed are those who fear the Lord.

Your wife will be like a fruitful vine

in the heart of your house;

your children like shoots of the olive,

around your table.

O blessed are those who fear the Lord.

Indeed thus shall be blessed

the man who fears the Lord.

May the Lord bless you from Zion

all the days of your life!

O blessed are those who fear the Lord.

A Reading from St. Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians:

You will not be expecting us to write anything to you, brothers, about ‘times and seasons’, since you know very well that the Day of the Lord is going to come like a thief in the night. It is when people are saying, ‘How quiet and peaceful it is’ that the worst suddenly happens, as suddenly as labour pains come on a pregnant woman; and there will be no way for anybody to evade it.

But it is not as if you live in the dark, my brothers, for that Day to overtake you like a thief. No, you are all sons of light and sons of the day: we do not belong to the night or to darkness, so we should not go on sleeping, as everyone else does, but stay wide awake and sober.

The Word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation   (Please stand)

Alleluia, alleluia!

Even if you have to die, says the Lord, keep faithful, and I will give you

the crown of life.


A Reading from the Holy Gospel of St. Matthew:

Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of Heaven is like a man on his way abroad who summoned his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one; each in proportion to his ability. Then he set out.

‘The man who had received the five talents promptly went and traded with them and made five more. The man who had received two made two more in the same way. But the man who had received one went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

‘Now a long time after, the master of those servants came back and went through his accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents came forward bringing five more. “Sir,” he said “you entrusted me with five talents; here are five more that I have made.”

‘His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have shown you can be faithful in small things, I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master’s happiness.”

‘Next the man with the two talents came forward. “Sir,” he said “you entrusted me with two talents; here are two more that I have made.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have shown you can be faithful in small things, I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master’s happiness.”

‘Last came forward the man who had the one talent. “Sir,” said he “I had heard you were a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered; so I was afraid, and I went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here it is; it was yours, you have it back.” But his master answered him, “You wicked and lazy servant! So you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered? Well then, you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have recovered my capital with interest. So now, take the talent from him and give it to the man who has the five talents. For to everyone who has will be given more, and he will have more than enough; but from the man who has not, even what he has will be taken away. As for this good-for-nothing servant, throw him out into the dark, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.”’ The Gospel of the Lord.

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