Aghaviller Parish Newsletter

Hugginstown, Newmarket and Stoneyford

11th. and 12th. November 2023.   

St. Laurence O’Toole

“Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time”

Priests in the Parish:

Liam Cassin (Parish Priest)  Telephone: 056 776 8693 or Mobile 087 231 2354

Peter Hoyne (Retired)           Telephone: 056 776 8678 or Mobile 086 373 8492

Monday 13th. to Sunday 19th. November.


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m.    

Vigil – Saturday 18th. at 8.00p.m.;

Sunday – 19th. at 10.00a.m. 


Vigil – Wednesday 15th. at 7.00p.m. 

Saturday – 18th. at 6.30p.m.

  • Tuesday 14th. Feast of St. Laurence O’Toole;
  • Wednesday 15th. Feast of St. Albert.
  • Thursday 16th. Feast of St. Margaret of Scotland 
  • Friday 17th.  Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.

Eileen Henebry, Mylerstown;  who died during the past week.

Kathleen Tennyson, Mabbistown:  Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 11th. November at 8.00p.m.

Anniversary Mass next weekend; 

Ronan Murphy, Dublin,  First Anniversary Mass in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 11th. Novembe`r at 6.30p.m.

18th. and 19th. November (Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Stoneyford:     Saturday 6.30p.m. Margaret Ryan.

Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. John Barron. Sunday 10.00a.m. Marie Ryan..

Stoneyford:     Saturday 6.30p.m. Bernie Grace.

Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Mary Murphy.  Sunday 10.00a.m. Kay Power. 

Meeting will be held in the Parish House Hugginstown on Wednesday 22nd. November at 8.00p.m.  All members please attend if possible.

Scripture Conference 2023 is live on Radio Maria Ireland on Saturday 18th. November from 2.00p.m. Speakers include Fr. John Ryan (Cloyne Diocese), Fr. Luke Demasi (Home of the Mother), Fr. John McEneaney (Waterford & Lismore Diocese), Frances Hogan (Scripture Scholar). Radio Maria Ireland can be listened to by downloading the radio Maria Ireland App, Saorview channel 210 or listen live at 01 437 3277

The “Church Door” Contributions last weekend amounted to €615.00. Thank You.  

November Offerings Envelopes 2023 are available at the Church Porch. Your contribution can be left into the Collection Boxes at the Churches or you may donate directly –  Use IBAN:  IE19 AIBK 9330 9000 0561 20 (BIC: AIBKIE2D).

Bishop Niall Coll will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in Hugginstown Church on Thursday 22nd. February 2024 at 11.00a.m.

The Chapter House Bookshop at St. Mary’s Cathedral is open 5 Days a week, ( Monday to Friday). The Shop has a great selection of Nativity Cribs, Christmas Cards, Calendars and Diaries for 2024, also a wide selection of Bibles, Liturgical and Spiritual Books.  The Bookshop also has a wide selection of Mass Cards and religious Gifts for any occasion.

The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. 

Click on email to find out more about the Online Open Evening on Wednesday 29th. November.   If you have any further questions contact: Frances O’Loughlin, The Priory Institute,  Tallaght Village,  D24 W410

If you wish to receive the weekly Newsletter by email, please drop us your email address.

The Newsletter is also available on the Stoneyford Website every week.(   

All notices for the Newsletter to be left in before 5.00p.m. on Thursdays please.                      

Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email:

A Reading from the Book of Wisdom:

Wisdom is bright, and does not grow dim.

By those who love her she is readily seen, and found by those who

look for her.   Quick to anticipate those who desire her, 

she makes herself known to them.

Watch for her early and you will have no trouble;

you will find her sitting at your gates.

Even to think about her is understanding fully grown;

be on the alert for her and anxiety will quickly leave you.

She herself walks about looking for those who are worthy of her

and graciously shows herself to them as they go,

in every thought of theirs coming to meet them.

The Word of the Lord

Response:   For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God.

O God, you are my God, for you I long;

for you my soul is thirsting.

My body pines for you  like a dry, weary land without water.

For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God.

So I gaze on you in the sanctuary

to see your strength and your glory.

For your love is better than life,  my lips will speak your praise.

For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God.

So I will bless you all my life,

in your name I will lift up my hands.

My soul shall be filled as with a banquet, my mouth shall praise you with joy.

For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God.

On my bed I remember you.

On you I muse through the night

for you have been my help; in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.

For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God.

A Reading from St. Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians:

We want you to be quite certain, brothers, about those who have died, to make sure that you do not grieve about them, like the other people who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and that it will be the same for those who have died in Jesus: God will bring them with him. We can tell you this from the Lord’s own teaching, that any of us who are left alive until the Lord’s coming will not have any advantage over those who have died. At the trumpet of God, the voice of the archangel will call out the command and the Lord himself will come down from heaven; those who have died in Christ will be the first to rise, and then those of us who are still alive will be taken up in the clouds, together with them; to meet the Lord in the air. So we shall stay with the Lord for ever. With such thoughts as these you should comfort one another.

The Word of the Lord.

Alleluia, alleluia!

Stay awake and stand ready, because you do not know the hour

when the Son of Man is coming.


A Reading from the Holy Gospel of St. Matthew:

Jesus told this parable to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of heaven will be like this: Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were sensible: the foolish ones did take their lamps, but they brought no oil, whereas the sensible ones took flasks of oil as well as their lamps. The bridegroom was late, and they all grew drowsy and fell asleep. But at midnight there was a cry, “The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet him.” At this, all those bridesmaids woke up and trimmed their lamps, and the foolish ones said to the sensible ones, “Give us some of your oil: our lamps are going out.” But they replied, “There may not be enough for us and for you; you had better go to those who sell it and buy some for yourselves.” They had gone off to buy it when the bridegroom arrived. Those who were ready went in with him to the wedding hall and the door was closed. The other bridesmaids arrived later. “Lord, Lord,” they said “open the door for us.” But he replied, “I tell you solemnly, I do not know you.” So stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour.’

The Gospel of the Lord.

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