SARG at the Gaiety

SARG at the Gaiety

On November the 10th. last members of Stoneyford Very Active Retirement Group Visited Dublin for a performance of the excellent play The Valley of the Squinting Windows by Brinsley McNamara.

The group travelled by Bus, Car and Rail and later met in the Hairy Lemon restaurant for lunch. The lunch was excellent and the service fast, friendly and efficient. The lunch was enjoyed by all and with the inner man pleasantly satiated the group headed for the Gaiety Theatre.

The play was set in the Ireland of the early 20th century during the First World War and was excellently and innovately  produced and presented.The acting was excellent and the theme hard hitting and unrelenting. As the production ran late and some of the group had to get the last train home there was not time to discuss and reflect on what we had just experienced.

The affect of the play on the audience was deeply felt and one can only ponder how the original book of the same name was received when first published. 

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