Aghaviller Parish Newsletter

Hugginstown, Newmarket and Stoneyford.

27th. and 28th. May 2023. 

 “Feast of  Pentecost”

Priests in the Parish:

Liam Cassin (Parish Priest)  Telephone: 056 776 8693 or Mobile 087 231 2354

Peter Hoyne (Retired)           Telephone: 056 776 8678 or Mobile 086 373 8492

Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish:

Monday 29th. May to Sunday 4th. June 2023.  


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m.  

  • Vigil – Saturday 3rd. at 8.00p.m.;      
  • Sunday 4th. at 10.00a.m.


  • Wednesday and Friday at 7.00p.m.
  • Vigil – Saturday 3rd. at 6.30p.m

Monday 29th. Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church.

Wednesday 31st.  Feast of The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thursday 1st.   Feast of St. Justin. Saturday 3rd.  Feast of St. Kevin.

Friday 2nd.   First Friday.   –    Home Visitation with Holy Communion will take place as usual on Friday.  Please let us know if you would like to receive Holy Communion in your home on First Fridays or at any other time.

Mass of Thanksgiving: –  (Golden Jubilee)

The members of the Parish Pastoral Council would like to let you know that Fr. Liam will celebrate the Golden Jubilee of his Ordination to the Priesthood on June 10th

There will be a Con-Celebration Mass in Hugginstown Church on that evening at 7:30pm. We welcome Bishop Niall Coll, to celebrate Mass with us on his first visit to the Parish.  Mass will be followed by a social evening with refreshments in the Community Centre, Hugginstown.  Everyone is invited. 

No Mass in Stoneyford at 6.30p.m. or in Hugginstown at 8.00p.m. on 10th. June. 

Cemetery Masses: for 2023: 

  • Mass in Calvary Cemetery on Friday 2nd. June at 8.00p.m.;  
  • Mass in Kilcasey Cemetery on Friday 16th. June at 8.00p.m.    
  • Mass in Hugginstown Cemetery on Saturday 1st. July at 8.00p.m.  
  • Mass in Stoneyford Cemetery on Friday 7th. July at 8.00p.m.  

 As the Cemetery Masses are about to take place we would appreciate if families could attend to their family graves before these Masses are celebrated.

Aghaviller Cemetery: 

A clean up of the Cemetery will take place on Wednesday 31st. May, starting at 7.00p.m.

Much help needed to clean up and cut the grass; please bring your strimmers.

Pray For:

Helen Cleere, Templetouhy; 

Fr. Frank O’Gara, O.Carm. Dublin.        

Months Mind Mass: 

Joan Foran, Monroe;   Mass in Hugginstown  Church on Sunday 28th. May at 10.00a.m.

Anniversary Mass: 

Maura Farrell, Glenmore House, Stoneyford.  Mass in Stoneyford  Church on Saturday 27th. May at 6.30p.m.

Nan and James Grace, Lismatigue.

Anniversary Mass next weekend: 

Jim Doran, Stoneyford.  Mass in Stoneyford  Church on Saturday 3rd. June at 6.30p.m.

Months Mind Mass: 

Kitty McBride, Monroe;   Mass in Hugginstown  Church on Saturday 3rd. June at 8.00p.m.

Rota for next week-end:   

3rd. and 4th. June 2023. (Feast of the Most Holy Trinity)


Stoneyford:     Saturday 6.30p.m.  Catherine Roche.

Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m.  John Barron;    Sunday 10.00a.m. Mary Carroll.

Eucharistic Ministers:

Stoneyford:     Saturday 6.30p.m.   Natalia Smolen.    

Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m.   Mary Murphy;  Sunday 10.00a.m.  Kay Power.  

Padre Pio National Pilgrimage:

Pilgrimage to Holy Cross Abbey, Thurles on this Sunday 28th. May.  Ceremonies will begin at 1.30p.m.    If interested in travelling please contact:    Kay Power 086 168 7073  or Lily Burke 056 776 8008

Parish Contributions:

The “Church Door” Contributions last weekend amounted to €565.00. Thank You.  

After School Facility:

Newmarket School:




If you wish to receive the weekly Newsletter by email, please drop in your email address.

The Newsletter is also available on the Stoneyford Website every week.(    All notices for the Newsletter to be left in by Thursdays at 5.00p.m. please.

Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email:

First Reading

A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles:

When Pentecost day came round, they had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.   Now there were devout men living in Jerusalem from every nation under heaven, and at this sound they all assembled, each one bewildered to hear these men speaking his own language. They were amazed and astonished. ‘Surely’ they said ‘all these men speaking are Galileans? How does it happen that each of us hears them in his own native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; people from Mesopotamia, Judaea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya round Cyrene; as well as visitors from Rome – Jews and proselytes alike – Cretans and Arabs; we hear them preaching in our own language about the marvels of God.’

The Word of the Lord

Responsorial Psalm

Response:       Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth.

Bless the Lord, my soul!                                                                             

Lord God, how great you are,

How many are your works, O Lord! 

The earth is full of your riches.

Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth.

You take back your spirit, they die,                                                      

returning to the dust from which they came.

You send forth your spirit, they are created; 

and you renew the face of the earth.

Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth.

May the glory of the Lord last for ever!

May the Lord rejoice in his works!

May my thoughts be pleasing to him.

I find my joy in the Lord.

Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth.

Second Reading:

A Reading from the Letter of St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians 

No one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord’ unless he is under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of service to be done, but always to the same Lord; working in all sorts of different ways in different people, it is the same God who is working in all of them. The particular way in which the Spirit is given to each person is for a good purpose. 

Just as a human body, though it is made up of many parts, is a single unit because all these parts, though many, make one body, so it is with Christ. In the one Spirit we were all baptised, Jews as well as Greeks, slaves as well as citizens, and one Spirit was given to us all to drink.

The Word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation   (Please stand)

Alleluia, alleluia!

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful

and kindle in them the fire of your love.


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