Stoneyford, Ennisnag, Newmarket, Hugginstown

28 Deireadh Fómhair 2022



Best wishes and congratulations to Very Rev. Niall Coll, Diocese of Raphoe, Donegal; who has been announced as the new Bishop of Ossory by Pope Francis on Friday 28th. October 2022.  

Áth Stúin

Westport Holiday:

  • 5 days/4 nights.  From the 31st. October to 4th. November 2022.
  • Coach from Stoneyford; 
  • Outings every day; 
  • A great hotel.  €395.00 p.p. sharing;  €475.00 single room. More details on or Telephone: 087 641 4038

Fit Club: 

Fit Club as usual, Wednesday Main hall @ 19.00hrs. All welcome.

Stoneyford Active Retirement Group:

SARG is a very active, vibrant group of retirees who participate in a range of activities.

  • They include a number of regular activities in the Community Centre at 2.30p.m. from 22nd. September (and every second Thursday throughout the year).  We play cards (25’s) (€5).  
  • Also on Wednesday nights the Fit Club with Seamus Nugent resumes at 7.00p.m. (€7).  
  • At 11.30a.m. on 15th. and 29th. September (and every second Thursday throughout the year), we play 10 Pin Bowling in K Bowl in McDonagh Junction, Kilkenny (€7, which includes  refreshments).  

Throughout the year, depending on interest, other activities/classes are arranged. If you are interested in participating in any of our activities, just turn up at the appropriate time.

Stoneyford Text Alert:

Subscriptions for 2022/2023 year are now due.  At only €10.00 this is a valuable and proven service. You can still pay your subscription by placing €10.00 and your name and mobile number in an envelope and dropping it into Willie’s Shop or Malzard’s Bar.  You can also pay directly to our bank account.  AIB, Kilkenny. BIC: AIBKIE2D. IBAN: IE26 AIBK 9331 9854 7180 95 referencing both your Name & Mobile Number. Go to Stoneyford Text Alert on Facebook.

Summer Time Ends:  

Remember    –     Clocks will go back one hour this Saturday night 29th. October 2022.

Newmarket and Hugginstown

Aghaviller Parish Social Club:

Parish Social Club get-together next Wednesday, November 2nd. in Carroll’s, Knocktopher from 2.00p.m. to 4.00p.m.  All are very welcome.


Aghaviller Parish and Carrickshock G. A. A. 

Draw: Monday 24th. October  2022                         Numbers: 03; 14; 02; 26.

  • No Winner First 3 Numbers Drawn:                      
  • No Jackpot Winner:

5 x €30.00 Winners:   

  1. Padraig Fitzgerald, Athenry; 
  2. Pat Delahunty, Catstown;
  3. Catherine Barron, Catstown;    
  4. Rosie Kelly, Ballintobber;    
  5. Patrice and  Christine Power, Hugginstown

3 x €15.00 (Sellers):       

  1. Teresa Fitzgerald;           
  2. James Irish;       
  3. Trish Power..    

Next Draw on Monday 31st. October.   Please submit returns by 8.30p.m.   Draw at 9.00p.m.

Next week:   Match 3:  €500.00; (First 3 Numbers Drawn)  Jackpot:  €5,900.00. (4 Numbers)

Clothes Collection:

A Clothes Collection has been arranged for Monday 7th. November at Monroe School. 

It would be very much appreciated if bags of unwanted clothing, linen, curtains, belts, handbags and shoes(paired) could be left into the school shed before that date.

Nuacht Eile


Affordable Live-in Homecare provides live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom today on 087 991 6791 or 087 744 0729. Our website is

Winter Burglary Prevention:  

by the Crime Prevention Officer, Kilkenny and Carlow, As we approach the time of year when the clocks are set to go back, we are once again appealing to people to secure their homes and premises and to Lock Up and Light Up during the winter months. Traditionally Burglaries increase by 20% over the winter months of October to March.

Some simple methods can make your home and premises less vulnerable to Criminal Attack.

Lighting around the house on a sensor or photocell:

Lighting inside on timers:

Natural Surveillance- trim shrubs down to 1m and trees up to 2 m.: 

Use Bogus Caller Cards:

Close Curtains during hours of Darkness.

What Attracts the Burglar: 

  1. Signs of being unoccupied:
  2. Open Windows:
  3. Hidden keys:
  4. A build up of Post /Milk, etc.
  5. No alarms: 
  6. High vegetation:
  7. Ladders or tools in easy reach:
  8. Easy access to the rear of your house:
  9. Poor lighting or house lights on at the wrong time.
  10. See for Home Security Tips and Advices.

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