Stoneyford Active Retirement Group

5 Márta 2022

Undeterred by threatened hurricaneos, tornados and deluges of rain Spaisteoirí Átha Stúin chose Castlemorris estate for their weekly walk. The day dawned brightly and briskly and the group had a most enjoyable walk. The ground underfoot was spongy in places but overall the footing was good, the intrepid walkers braved all. The day was finished with a nice warm bowl of soup at Kings Mills in Kells.

Wednesday was quite a full day for SARG. At 10.30 hrs the Bowls group met for what was an enjoyable game of bowls which was followed by coffee and tea.
In the afternoon SARG had it’s monthly meeting. This as usual was a lively convivial affair members reported on events to date and planned for forthcoming events.

Meeting of Stoneyford Active Retirement Group (S.A.R.G.)

Minutes – March 2022

Date: 2nd March 2022 in Community Centre, Stoneyford (R95 FCV9) @ 14.30.

Present: Jackie & Conchubhar de Róiste, Margaret Hogan, Carole Hennessy, Miriam Dowling, Paddy & Colette Ganly, Brendan Murran, Audrey & John Hogg, Tony Roche, Jo Hudson, Angela Hayes, Imelda Gillespie, Margaret Duggan, Maura Wallace, Maura Reggett, Kitty Wallace, June Maher, Basil Cook, Katie Rice, Mary Fennelly (22).

Apologies:Nuala Donovan, Kay O Donnell, Pat & Jet Phelan, Donie Sheridan, Roberta Dowley (7).

  1. Chairperson welcomed everyone.
  2. Members present & Apologies.
  3. Minutes of March were circulated and were deemed to have been read. They were signed by the Chairperson.
  4. Treasurer’s Report: – €1,755.799 (SARG = €1,289.02, Fit Club = €466.77). Holiday Fund €2,782.20, Petty Cash €79.60.
  5. Special group entrance rate of €6.00 to the Japanese Gardens in Tramore was received.
  6. Active Retirement Ireland South East Region AGM will be held in Dooley’s Hotel in Waterford on 22nd March. Carole and Jackie will attend.
  7. Active Retirement Ireland AGM and National Art Exhibition will take place in Trim on 25th May. No one was interested in attending.
  8. Sergeant Peter McConnan, Crime Prevention Officer in Kilkenny gave a talk on fraud and crime prevention. Thanks to Carole for organising it.
  9. Computer Classes, free: Tuesday 10.00 – 11.30 or 11.30 – 13.00.
  10. Short Mat Bowling, Hall Rental €3.00: Wednesday 10.30.
  11. Fit Club €7.00: Wednesday 7.00. Bring your own mat and weights.
  12. Bowling in KK, €7, includes tea/coffee & biscuits: Thursdays 3/3 & 31/3 @11.30 (none on 17/3).
  13. Cards – 25, hall rental €3, plus €2 to play: Thursdays 10/3 & 24/3 @ 2.30.
  14. 2022 holiday to Mayo, 25th – 29th April. After the meeting, Jackie spoke to those going on the holiday.
  15. A very enjoyable lunch was had in the Ormonde Hotel. Thanks to Carole for organising it. After the meal, the hotel contacted Carole and told her that if we were holding a raffle, they might be in a position to provide a prize.
  16. Flower arranging classes will commence on 7th March for 6 weeks.
  17. A number of members expressed an interest in doing pottery classes, however it will be September before we can run them.
  18. First responders course is on 12th March, cost €20.00 per person. A number of members will attend.
  19. Poetry: None.
  20. Thanks to everyone who provided refreshments, served or tidied up after the meeting.
  21. Refreshments for April: Paddy & Colette.
  22. Next meeting 6th April @ 2.30.

An enjoyable chat and refreshments followed.

At 19.00hrs. Fit Club activity group met in the main hall for a workout with the careful guidance of Séamus Nugent.

Thursday saw members of SARG convene in K Bowl in kilkenny for a game of 10 Pin Bowling.

As flower arranging classes for SARG will begin on Monday 6th March the Spaisteoirí have moved their walk form Mondays to Fridays. Next week will be full eventful for SARG!

Anyone can become a member of SARG (Stoneyford Active retirement Group). Everyone is welcome so please come along to one of our events if you are curious or interested in becoming a member.

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