Stoneyford Active Retirement A.G.M.
Date: 2nd February 2022
Venue: Community Centre, Stoneyford (R95 FCV9) @ 14.30.
Chairperson: Carole Hennessy |
Secretary: Miriam Dowling | Secretary: Margaret Hogan |
Maura Wallace, Paddy & Colette Ganly, Jackie & Conchubhar de Róiste, Carole Hennessy, Jo Hudson, Miriam Dowling, Margaret Hogan, Brendan Murran, Anthony Roche, Katie Rice, Mary Fennelly, Kitty Wallace, Audrey & John Hogg, Angela Hayes, Margaret Duggan, Imelda Gillespie, Miriam Kennington, Maura Dowling, Kay O Donnell, Donie Sheridan, June Maher (25).
Maura Raggett, Pat & Jet Phelan, Nuala Donovan, Basil Cook (5).
1. Chairperson welcomed everyone, particularly new members, Miriam Kennington and June Maher.
2. Members present & Apologies.
3. Minutes of November 2021 meeting (no meeting held in December) read and signed by the Chairperson.
4. Matters arising from November Minutes.
5. Treasurer’s Report: – €1,475.79 (SARG = €1,234.02, Fit Club = €341.77).
6. Holiday deals received from Gleneagle tours.
7. Membership fees €25.00 (includes €12.00 for insurance).
8. SDA have given us permission to put shelves in the phone box for the library.
9. Computer Classes (free) in the community centre every Tuesday, 10.00 – 11.30 or 11.30 – 1.00.
10. As SDA contributed to the purchase of equipment, short mat bowling will be available to the wider Stoneyford community. The hall will be open on Wednesday (9/2) at 10.30 for us to see how it works. All are welcome.
11. Fit Club is recommencing in the hall on 9th February at 7.00, €35.00 for 5 classes. Bring your own mat and weights.
12. Bowling in KK, €7, includes tea/coffee & biscuits: Thursdays 3/2 & 17/2 @11.30.
13. Cards – 25, hall rental €2, plus €2 to play: Thursdays 10/2 & 24/2 @ 2.30.
14. A number of members were interested in partaking in walking groups. Miriam to organise.
15. 2022 holiday to Mayo, 25th – 29th April. Balance to be paid before the April meeting. €2,782.20 in the account.
16. It is proposed to go for lunch in the River Court on either 15th or 22nd February. Carole to organise.
17. Very enjoyable flower arranging classes were run before Christmas. Another 6 week block is commencing on 7th March. A number of members expressed an interest in participating. Jackie to see if they can be accommodated.
18. It is proposed to run art classes after Easter with Owen Fox. Jackie to liaise with Siobhan O Brien, ETB.
19. It is proposed to run yoga classes at a later date.
20. Poetry: None.
21. Members were advised that Kilkenny Co Council Art Office are looking for submissions for the Kilkenny Poetry Broadsheet.
22. Thanks to everyone who provided refreshments, served or tidied up after the meeting.
23. Refreshments for March: Jackie & Conchubhar.
24. Next meeting 2nd March @ 2.30.
An enjoyable chat and refreshments followed.
P: S: