Aghaviller Parish Newsletter

Hugginstown, Newmarket and Stoneyford.

1st. and 2nd. May 2021.   

Blessed Edmund Rice.

“Fifth Sunday of Easter”

Priests Living within the Parish:

  • Liam Cassin (Parish Priest)            
    • Telephone:    056 776 8693    or     
    • Mobile 087 231 2354
  • Peter Hoyne (Retired)         
    •  Telephone:    056 776 8678    or     
    • Mobile 086 373 8492

Please do not hesitate to ring if you need assistance.

  • Monday 3rd.     Feast of Sts. Philip and James (Apostles).    
  • Tuesday 4th.   Feast of St. Conleth.
  • Wednesday 5th.   Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice.                                 

Pray For:       


Fr. Jim Walsh, Ballagh.

Mary (Mollie) O’Shea, Lismatigue.    

Nora and Kathleen Sadlier, Sheepstown.

Sunday Mass Times (Local)on the Web every Sunday: 

Callan Church: at 10.00a.m.               

Thomastown Church: at 10.00a.m

St. Canice’s Church: at 10.00a.m. 

 St. Mary’s Cathedral: at 11.00a.m.

Mooncoin Church; at 11.00a.m.   

St. John’s Church:  at 11.30a.m.  


Religious Services will resume on 10th. May.

Attendance is limited to 50 People, (including Funerals and Weddings)

Mass in Hugginstown Church on

  • Mondays to Fridays at 9.30a.m.
  • Saturdays at 8.00p.m. and
  • Sundays at 10.00a.m. 

Mass in Stoneyford Church on

  • Wednesdays at 7.00p.m. and
  • Saturdays at 6.30p.m.

Proper protocols are in place in both Churches for the safety of all. Please use the seats that are marked for seating. 

Every second row of seats is available for seating and family members are asked to sit together in the same seat.

Stewards will remind people to sanitise their hands and to observe proper social distance within the Churches. 

Please accept directions from Stewards. 

Holy Communion will be distributed on the hand only from the front of the altar. In Hugginstown Church people will come up the centre and return by the side.  In Stoneyford Church people will come up the centre and return by the side entrance. Holy Communion will be distributed upstairs in Stoneyford Church.

Please let us know before Mass if you are staying outside, as outside speaker can be turned on and Holy Communion given.  There will be no Missalettes or the passing of collection bags. A collection box will be placed at the Church doors. 

Dates: First Holy Communion:

Newemarket School on Saturday 29th. May;

Stoneyford School on Saturday 12th. June.

Monroe School on Saturday 19th. June.

Easter Offerings

A sincere thanks for your very generous contributions to the Easter Offerings during the past weeks. These offerings are for the support of the priests of the Parish and Diocese.

Message from Trócaire

Thank you for your support and help during Lent in promoting our campaign to help Awut and Ajak and their communities in South Sudan.  With your support, a new day will come for South Sudan. Thank you for not leaving South Sudan alone this Lent. Thank you for not forgetting the people of South Sudan.

Kilkenny Bereavement Support:

Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Since the arrival of Covid 19, we have not been able to offer face to face meetings.  

At the moment, we continue to support the bereaved by phone or by Zoom. People can discuss their preferred option with their bereavement support volunteer.  To make an appointment, please phone 056 775 6538 or email:


Reminder from the HSE for everyone aged 60 and over to register for their vaccine.  We would like to remind everyone aged 65-69 to register for their COVID-19 vaccine without delay through the HSE’s online registration system or on the phone with HSELive.  Following the success of the online registration for people aged 65-69, we are now inviting those aged 60-64 to register from Friday 23 April.  Online registration – information for patients and service users

People in this age group who are registering online will need:

a. Their Personal Public Service Number (PPSN),

b.  Their Eircode,   c. An email address or a mobile phone number.

If someone is finding it difficult to go online and register or they can ring HSELive for support on 1850 24 1850 or 01 240 8787 from 8.00a.m. to 8.00p.m.  If a person doesn’t have a PPSN they can register on the phone with HSElive.  

Once registered the person will receive their vaccine appointment for the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine.

If a person is deaf or hard of hearing, they can text HSELive on 086 1800 661 to register for your vaccination

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8.00a.m. to 8.00p.m. by calling 0818 222 024.


If you wish to receive the weekly Newsletter by email, please drop your email address to

The Newsletter is available on the Stoneyford Website every weekend. ( News. 

All notices for the Newsletter to be left in by Thursdays at 5.00p.m. please.

Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or

Fifth Sunday of Easter    –    2nd. May 2021

First Reading:

A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles:

When Saul got to Jerusalem he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him: they could not believe he was really a disciple. Barnabas, however, took charge of him, introduced him to the apostles, and explained how the Lord had appeared to Saul and spoken to him on his journey, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus. Saul now started to go round with them in Jerusalem, preaching fearlessly in the name of the Lord. But after he had spoken to the Hellenists, and argued with them, they became determined to kill him. When the brothers knew, they took him to Caesarea, and sent him off from there to Tarsus.

The churches throughout Judaea, Galilee and Samaria were now left in peace, building themselves up, living in the fear of the Lord, and filled with the consolation of the Holy Spirit.          

The Word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm:  

You, Lord, are my praise in the great assembly.

My vows I will pay before those who fear him. The poor shall eat and shall have their fill.

They shall praise the Lord, those who seek him.  May their hearts live for ever and ever!                          R.

All the earth shall remember and return to the Lord, all families of the nations worship before him;

They shall worship him, all the mighty of the earth; before him shall bow all who go down to the dust.    R.

And my soul shall live for him, my children serve him. They shall tell of the Lord to generations yet to come,

declare his faithfulness to peoples yet unborn: ‘These things the Lord has done.’                                       R.

Second Reading:

A Reading from the first Letter of St. John:

My children, our love is not to be just words or mere talk, but something real and active; only by this can we be certain that we are children of the truth and be able to quieten our conscience in his presence, whatever accusations it may raise against us, because God is greater than our conscience and he knows everything.

My dear people, if we cannot be condemned by our own conscience, we need not be afraid in God’s presence, and whatever we ask him, we shall receive, because we keep his commandments and live the kind of life that he wants.  His commandments are these:  that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and that we love one another as he told us to.  Whoever keeps his commandments lives in God and God lives in him.

We know that he lives in us by the Spirit that he has given us.                    

The Word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation:

Alleluia, alleluia!

Make your home in me, as I make mine in you. Whoever remains in me bears fruit in plenty.



A Reading from the Holy Gospel of St. John:

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more.  You are pruned already, by means of the word that I have spoken to you.Make your home in me, as I make mine in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself, but must remain part of the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me.

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty; for cut off from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is like a branch that has been thrown away – he withers; these branches are collected and thrown on the fire, and they are burnt.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask what you will and you shall get it.

It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit, and then you will be my disciples.’

The Gospel of the Lord.

Prayer for those who cannot receive the Eucharist:

My Jesus, I believe that you are really present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

I love you above all things and I desire you into my soul.  As I cannot receive you now sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart as you have now come.  

I embrace you and unite myself wholly to you. Do not permit me to be ever separated from you. Amen.

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