Aghaviller Parish Newsletter
Hugginstown, Newmarket and Stoneyford.

13th. and 14th. February 2021.
“Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time”
Priests Living within the Parish:
- Liam Cassin (Parish Priest)
- Telephone: 056 776 8693 or
- Mobile 087 231 2354
- Peter Hoyne (Retired)
- Telephone: 056 776 8678 or
- Mobile 086 373 8492
Please do not hesitate to ring if you need assistance.
Pray For:
- Sean Treacy, Clifden;
- Bernard Raggett, Stoneyford,; both who died during the week.
Betty McCarthy, Knockdrinna.
Wednesday 17th. –
Ash Wednesday – (Day of Fast and Abstinence).
Ashes will be blessed during private Mass on Wednesday Morning.
Ashes will be available in Hugginstown Church from 9.30a.m. and in
Stoneyford Church from 10.00a.m. on Wednesday morning.
As you bless yourself with Ashes use the following prayer:
“May I turn away from sin, and believe in the Gospel; In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”.(Please collect Trócare Box)
All Religious Services are suspended until further notice. No Public Masses on Saturdays or Sundays.
Mass will continue to be celebrated privately each day in Hugginstown and will be offered for your intentions Places of Worship may remain open for private prayer.
Attendance at Funeral Masses are limited to 10people; observing social distance.
All schools will remain closed until the end of January.
We are required to:
a. Wash our hands properly and often:
b. Practice social distancing.
c. Cover coughs and sneezes:
d. Wear a face mask in Churches, Shops and crowded outdoor settings.
e. Stay at home as much as possible.
Lenten Station
Envelopes for the Lenten Station Contribution are available in the Church. Your contribution is for the support of the priests of the Parish and the Diocese.
Collections: (To donate directly.)
For Aghaviller Parish Funds: Use IBAN: IE74 AIBK 9330 9000 0610 47 (BIC: AIBKIE2D)
For the support of the Clergy: Use IBAN: IE19 AIBK 9330 9000 0561 20 (BIC: AIBKIE2D).
All Parish Property and Accounts are registered under the (Diocese of Ossory, Reg. Charity No. 20015831)
Newmarket School:
Newmarket N.S. is now taking Enrolments for September 2021. Please contact 087 396 5020 or email for an Enrolment Form.
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Brendan’s Conference:
If you need help! Number of their Helpline: 087 616 4621.
Kilkenny Bereavement Support:
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Since the arrival of Covid 19, we have not been able to offer face to face meetings.
At the moment, we continue to support the bereaved by phone or by Zoom. People can discuss their preferred option with their bereavement support volunteer. To make an appointment, please phone 056 775 6538 or email:
Safeguarding Contacts:
Diocesan Designated Liaison Person:
Mr. Cathal Cullen Tel: 087 100 0232 or
Aghaviller Parish Representatives are:
Teresa Broderick and Carmel O’Toole
Our Parish Safeguarding Audit was submitted during the past week.
Candle of Atonement:
This Friday 19th. February,is the Annual Dayof Prayer for Survivorsand Victims of Sexual Abuse. A Candle of Atonement will be lighting in Churches and we are invited to say the following prayer on Friday next.
“Lord, forgive us our many sins. We grieve and repent with all our hearts for having offended you, for our great failings and neglect of the young and vulnerable. We place all of those who have been hurt by the Church in any way into your loving hands and under the protection of Our Blessed Mother.
Lord, bring peace to their broken lives and show us all the way out of darkness and into the light of your Word.
May we as the people of God be more fully human, more fully Christ-like and more fully your people, that we may see the errors of the past and go forward with renewed hope and faith in Christ and in our Church. Amen.”.
If you wish to receive the weekly Newsletter by email, please drop your email address to
The Newsletter is available on the Stoneyford Website every weekend. (
It can also be collected in Fitzgerald’s Shop.
All notices for the Newsletter to be left in by Thursdays at 5.00p.m. please.
Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email
Sunday 14th. February 2021
First Reading:
A Reading from the Book Leviticus:
The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, ‘If a swelling or scab or shiny spot appears on a man’s skin, a case of leprosy of the skin is to be suspected. The man must be taken to Aaron, the priest, or to one of the priests who are his sons.
‘The man is leprous: he is unclean. The priest must declare him unclean; he is suffering from leprosy of the head. A man infected with leprosy must wear his clothing torn and his hair disordered; he must shield his upper lip and cry, “Unclean, unclean.” As long as the disease lasts he must be unclean; and therefore he must live apart: he must live outside the camp.’
The Word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm:
Response: You are my refuge, O Lord; you fill me with the joy of salvation.
Happy the man whose offence is forgiven, whose sin is remitted.
O happy the man to whom the Lord imputes no guilt, in whose spirit is no guile. R.
But now I have acknowledged my sins; my guilt I did not hide.
I said: ‘I will confess my offence to the Lord.’ And you, Lord, have forgiven the guilt of my sin. R.
Rejoice, rejoice in the Lord, exult, you just!
O come, ring out your joy, all you upright of heart. R.
Second Reading:
A Reading from St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians:
Whatever you eat, whatever you drink, whatever you do at all, do it for the glory of God. Never do anything offensive to anyone – to Jews or Greeks or to the Church of God; just as I try to be helpful to everyone at all times, not anxious for my own advantage but for the advantage of everybody else, so that they may be saved. Take me for your model, as I take Christ.
The Word of the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind,
so that we can see what hope his call holds for us.
A Reading from the Holy Gospel of St. Mark:
A leper came to Jesus and pleaded on his knees: ‘If you want to’ he said ‘you can cure me.’ Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. ‘Of course I want to!’ he said. ‘Be cured!’ And the leprosy left him at once and he was cured. Jesus immediately sent him away and sternly ordered him, ‘Mind you say nothing to anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest, and make the offering for your healing prescribed by Moses as evidence of your recovery.’ The man went away, but then started talking about it freely and telling the story everywhere, so that Jesus could no longer go openly into any town, but had to stay outside in places where nobody lived. Even so, people from all around would come to him.
The Gospel of the Lord.
Lent begins on Wednesday next. Every year during Lent, Trócaire asks for your help to fund lifesaving programmes around the world. Families like Awut and Ajak’s in South Sudan (as shown on Trócaire Box) need your support now more than ever. Trócaire are appealing to you to continue your support this Lent. Resources, prayers and videos are available on and donations can be made to the Lent campaign in the following ways:
- By collecting a Trócaire Box (Boxes will be available in Church Porch from Ash Wednesday )
- Contribute Online at or By phone: 1850 408 408
The contents of each and every Trócaire Box, no matter how small, come together to make a significant difference. This virus knows no borders, but neither does our compassion.