Aghaviller Parish Newsletter

Hugginstown and Stoneyford Churches.

12th. and 13th. September 2020.

“Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time”  

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 

Priests living within the Parish:

  • Liam Cassin (Parish Priest)  
    • Telephone:    056 776 8693        or     
    • Mobile           087 231 2354
  • Peter Hoyne (Retired)  
    • Telephone:  056 776 8678       or     
    • Mobile         086 373 8492

Please do not hesitate to ring if you need assistance.

Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish:  –

Monday 14th.  to Sunday 20th. September 2020.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m.                                                        

  • Vigil  – Saturday 19th. at 8.00p.m.
  • Sunday 20th..  at 10.00a.m.


  • Wednesday at 7.00p.m.      
  • Vigil   –  Saturday 19th.  at 6.30p.m. 
  1. Monday 14th.  Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross       
  2. Tuesday 15th.    Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.    
  3. Wednesday 16th.     Feast of Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian

Pray For:        

Anniversary Masses this week-end:

In Hugginstown Church on Tuesday 15th. September at 9.30a.m.

 William Carr,Barnadown. 

In Hugginstown Church on Sunday 13th. September at 10.00a.m.   –  

  Jimmy Walsh, Lismatigue.

Anniversary Masses next week:

In Hugginstown Church on Tuesday 15th. September at 9.30a.m.      –              Margaret Duggan, Ballinteskin.

In Stoneyford Church on Saturday 19th. September at 6.30p.m.         –             Michael Fennelly, Ballycaum.

In Hugginstown Church on Saturday 19th. September at 8.00p.m.     –               Neddie Dwyer, Croan.

In Hugginstown Church on Sunday 20th. September at 10.00a.m.     –               Toddy Tennyson, Mabbistown.

Rota for next week-end:      

19th. and 20th. September 2020    –    (Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time)



Saturday 6.30p.m. Ronan Murphy. 


Saturday 8.00p.m. Catherine Dwyer;

Sunday10.00a.m. Valerie Farrell

Eucharistic Ministers:                                                                     


Saturday 6.30p.m. Kitty Wallace


Saturday 8.00p.m. Kay Power;  

Sunday 10.00a.m. Mary Murphy.

First Holy Communion:

Monroe School will celebrate First Holy Communion in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 19th. September at 11.00a.m.

Stoneyford School will celebrate First Holy Communion in Stoneyford Church on Sunday 20th. September at 12.00Noon.

Newmarket School will celebrate First Holy Communion in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 26th. September at 11.00a.m.


Proper protocols are in place in both Churches for the safety of all.  

Week-end Mass in the Parish are as follows while numbers are restricted:   Stoneyford Church on Saturdays  at 6.30p.m   

Hugginstown Church on Saturdays at 8.00p.m. and  Sundays at 10.00a.m.  

  1. Please use the seats that are marked for seating:  Every second row of seats is available for seating and family members are asked to sit together in the same seat.  
  2. There is still restricted numbers permitted in Churches.  The Maximum number permitted is 50. 

Please let us know if you are staying outside, as outside speaker can be turned on and Holy Communion given.   

  • Attendance at Funeral Masses is still limited to 50, observing social distance. 
  • The wearing of face coverings during worship in all Churches is recommended.

Safeguarding Contacts:   

Diocesan Designated Liaison Person:  

Mr. Cathal Cullen Tel: 087 100 0232  or  

Aghaviller Parish Representatives are:  

Teresa Broderick  and Carmel O’Toole 


The“Church Door”Collection on last weekend amounted to €580.00.  Thank You.                                                                      

The Diocesan Finance Committee has asked that we make available the parish bank account details so that people might be able to donate directly.  For Aghaviller Parish Funds: Use IBAN:  IE74 AIBK 9330 9000 0610 47 (BIC: AIBKIE2D)  

For the support of the Clergy:  Use IBAN:  IE19 AIBK 9330 9000 0561 20 (BIC: AIBKIE2D).

All Parish Property and Accounts are registered under the (Diocese of Ossory, Reg. Charity No. 20015831)

Sunday Mass Times on the Web: (Local)

St. Canice’s Church www.stcanicesparish.ieat 10.00a.m.    

St. Mary’s Cathedral:  www.stmaryscathedral.ieat 11.00a.m.

Mooncoin Church; at 11.00a.m.    

St. John’s Church:  at 11.30a.m.  

St. Mary’s Cathedral Restoration Fund Draw:

The first draw for St. Mary’s Cathedral Restoration Fund 2020/2021 was due to take place on Wednesday, 25th. March 2020, but was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Draw will recommence in September, with the first draw planned for Wednesday, 30th.September 2020.  Tickets already circulated are still valid. The draw year 2020/2021 will run from September 2020 to August 2021. Tickets are still available, please contact 056 776 8693.

Roman Catholic Diocese and Parishes of Ossory – Registered Charity No. 20015831 



If you wish to receive the weekly Newsletter by email, please drop your email address to

The Newsletter is available on the Stoneyford Website every weekend. (

All notices for the Newsletter to be left in by Thursdays at 5.00p.m. please.   

Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email  

13th. September 2020    –   Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year

First Reading

A reading from the Book of Ecclesiasticus

Resentment and anger, these are foul things,  and both are found with the sinner.

He who exacts vengeance will experience the vengeance of the Lord, who keeps strict account of sin.

Forgive your neighbour the hurt he does you,  and when you pray, your sins will be forgiven.

If a man nurses anger against another, can he then demand compassion from the Lord?

Showing no pity for a man like himself,  can he then plead for his own sins?

Mere creature of flesh, he cherishes resentment;  who will forgive him his sins?

Remember the last things, and stop hating, remember dissolution and death, and live by the commandments.

Remember the commandments, and do not bear your neighbour ill-will;

Remember the covenant of the Most High, and overlook the offence.              

The Word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm

Response:      The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy.

My soul, give thanks to the Lord all my being, bless his holy name.

My soul, give thanks to the Lord  and never forget all his blessings.                             R.

It is he who forgives all your guilt, who heals every one of your ills,

who redeems your life from the grave, who crowns you with love and compassion.      R.

His wrath will come to an end; he will not be angry for ever.

He does not treat us according to our sins nor repay us according to our faults.                        R.

For as the heavens are high above the earth  so strong is his love for those who fear him.

As far as the east is from the west so far does he remove our sins.                                            R.

Second Reading

A Reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans: 

The life and death of each of us has its influence on others; if we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord, so that alive or dead we belong to the Lord. This explains why Christ both died and came to life: it was so that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.                               The Word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation:

Alleluia, alleluia!   

Speak, Lord, your servant is listening:   you have the message of eternal life.    Alleluia!

A Reading from the Gospel of St. Matthew.


A Reading from the Gospel of St. Matthew.

Peter went up to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy-seven times.

‘And so the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who decided to settle his accounts with his servants. When the reckoning began, they brought him a man who owed ten thousand talents; but he had no means of paying, so his master gave orders that he should be sold, together with his wife and children and all his possessions, to meet the debt. At this, the servant threw himself down at his master’s feet. “Give me time” he said “and I will pay the whole sum.” And the servant’s master felt so sorry for him that he let him go and cancelled the debt. Now as this servant went out, he happened to meet a fellow servant who owed him one hundred denarii; and he seized him by the throat and began to throttle him. “Pay what you owe me” he said. His fellow servant fell at his feet and implored him, saying, “Give me time and I will pay you.” But the other would not agree; on the contrary, he had him thrown into prison till he should pay the debt. His fellow servants were deeply distressed when they saw what had happened, and they went to their master and reported the whole affair to him. Then the master sent for him. “You wicked servant,” he said “I cancelled all that debt of yours when you appealed to me. Were you not bound, then, to have pity on your fellow servant just as I had pity on you?” And in his anger the master handed him over to the torturers till he should pay all his debt. And that is how my heavenly Father will deal with you unless you each forgive your brother from your heart.’     

 The Gospel of the Lord.

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