Aghaviller Parish Newsletter

Hugginstown and Stoneyford Churches.

28th. and 29th. December 2019.

“Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph”

Priests living in the Parish:

Liam Cassin

Telephone:    056 776 8693        or     

Mobile           087 231 2354

Peter Hoyne

Telephone:  056 776 8678       or     

Mobile         086 373 8492

Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish: 

Monday 30th. December to Sunday 5th. January 2020..


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m. 

Sunday 5th.  at 10.00a.m. 


Wednesday and Friday  at 7.00p.m.

Vigil – Saturday 4tht at 6.30p.m.;            

  • Wednesday 1stFeast of Mary, the Mother of God                                                    
  • Thursday 2nd.    Feast of St. Basil and St. Gregory Nazianzen           
  • Friday  3rd.        Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus              

First Friday

Visitation with Holy Communion will take place as usual next Friday. Please let us know if you would like to receive Holy Communion in your home for the First Fridays or at any other time.

Pray For:   


Edward Raggett, late of Ballycaum

Anniversary Masses next week:

In Stoneyford Church on Saturday 4th. January at 6.30p.m.  –  Catherine Sheehan, Stonecarthy

In Hugginstown Church on Sunday 5th. January at 10.00a.m.- Mick, Peggy and Mary Duggan

Rota for next week-end:   

 4th. and 5th. January 2020    (Second Sunday of Christmas)



Saturday 6.30p.m. Catherine Roche


Sunday 10.00a.m Catherine Dwyer

Eucharistic Ministers:                                                   


Saturday 6.30p.m. Jakub Smolen;


Sunday 10.00a.m. Ann Power.


The New Rota for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are available in the Sacristies.

Eucharistic Adoration:

Eucharistic Adoration in Hugginstown Church every Thursday from 10.00a.m. to 8.00p.m.  All are welcome to join for any period of time.

Safeguarding Contacts:

Diocesan Designated Liaison Person:

Mr. Cathal Cullen Tel: 087 100 0232  or

Diocese of Ossory Web Page:

Gardaí 1800 555 222:

Tusla – Kilkenny Area –  Tel: 052 617 7302.

Aghaviller Parish Representatives are:  Teresa Broderick and  Carmel O’Toole


TheOffertory”Collection on last weekend amounted to €510.00.  Thank You.

TheOffertory”Collection on Christmas Day amounted to €xxxx.00. Thank You.

Christmas Offerings 2019:

Envelopes for your Christmas Offerings 2019 may be collected in the Church Porch, and your contributions may be handed in during the coming weeks. Many thanks for your support and contributions during the past year.


Many thanks to all the Children; Parents; Teachers; Musicians; Choirs; Readers; Eucharistic Ministers; Servers and others who prepared the Christmas Masses: and to all who cleaned and decorated the Churches in the Parish for the Christmas Season and throughout the year. Thanks to all who erected the Cribs; donated flowers and Christmas trees etc.   A sincere thank you and appreciation to all.

Dates to Remember for 2020:

First Holy Communion:

The Family Masses in preparation for First Holy Communion will be celebrated on:

25th./26th. January;       22nd./23rd. February;      14th./15th. March;         25th./26th. April.

First Holy Communion 2020. For Stoneyford School on Sunday 10th. May in Stoneyford Church at 11.00a.m. For Monroe/Newmarket Schools on Sunday 17th. May in Hugginstown Church at 11.00a.m. Confirmation 2020:

In Hugginstown Church on Friday 20th. March at 11.00a.m.

Be Safe for the New Year:

If you are leaving your home even for a short time, do lock all external doors and windows.  Make sure all candles and naked lights are out before you leave or before you retire to bed.  Be extra careful on the roads during the Christmas season and do show care for others. Safe Driving!  With the ‘Text Alert’ in operation please be vigilant and always be aware there is always Garda help close at hand.

Revised Mass Times:

Saturday Vigil:

Stoneyford 6.30p.m.   Bigwood 6.30p.m.     Ballyhale 7.30p.m.


Hugggintown 10.00a.m.   Knockmoylan 9.00a.m.  Mullinavat 10.00a.m. Knocktopher 11.00a.m.

Prayer of the Family: 

God, our Father,   We are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son;  One family, in the Spirit of your love.  Bless us with the joy of love. Make us patient and kind, gentle and generous, welcoming to those in need.   Help us to live your forgiveness and peace. Protect all families with your loving care; especially those for whom we now pray:    Increase our faith,   Strengthen our hope; Keep us safe in your love,  Make us always grateful for the gift of life that we share together. This we ask, through Christ our Lord,

Medjugorje Irish Centre Pilgrimages:

Pilgrimages will be held from Aprilto October 2020: Seven Night Stay and Airport Shuttle service from Dubrovnik or Split. Book any flight – any time and we provide guaranteed airport shuttle service.   Call us for further information and book the dates that suit you. Telephone: 01 443 4510 or email


All notices for the Newsletter to be left in before 5.00p.m. on Thursdays please.  

Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email   




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