Aghaviller Parish Newsletter
Hugginstown and Stoneyford Churches.
5th. and 6th. October 2019.
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – “Day for Life”
Priests in the Parish:
Liam Cassin
Telephone: 056 776 8693 or
Mobile 087 231 2354
Peter Hoyne
Telephone: 056 776 8678 or
Mobile 086 373 8492
Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish:
Monday 7th. to Sunday 13th. October
Monday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m.
Vigil – Saturday 12th.. at 8.00 p.m.;
Sunday 13th. at 11.15 a.m.
Mass on Wednesday at 7.00p.m.
Vigil – Saturday 12th. at 6.30p.m.; ;
- Monday 7th. Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary;
- Wednesday 9th. Feast of Blessed John Henry Newman
- Friday 11th. Feast of St. John XX111 and St. Canice.
Pray For:
Bernadette (Bernie) Phelan,Tullogher,who died recently.
Kathleen Foskin,Kilmacow, who died during the week.
James Hurley, Ennisnag. Mass in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 5th. October at 6.30p.m.
John Grace, Lismatigue. Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 5th. October at 8.00p.m.
Bill Barron, Croan: Mass in Hugginstown Church on Sunday 6th. October at 11.15a.m.
Bishop Laurence Forristal.
Rota for next week-end:
12th. and 13th. October (Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Saturday 6.30p.m. Ronan Murphy..
Saturday 8.00p.m. Pat Power;
Sunday 11.15a.m. Deirdre Rohan.
Eucharistic Ministers:
Saturday 6.30p.m. Bernie Grace
Saturday 8.00p.m. Trisha Barron
Sunday 11.15a.m. Ann Power.
Anniversary Mass next weekend:
In Hugginstown Church on Saturday 12th. October at 8.00p.m. – Tom and Kathy Noonan
The “St. Vincent de Paul”Collection will be held after all Masses this weekend.
Eucharistic Adoration:
Eucharistic Adoration in Hugginstown Church on next Thursday 10th. October 2019 from 10.00a.m. to 8.00p.m. All are welcome to join for any period of time.
First Holy Communion 2020:
Meeting for all parents of the First Holy Communion Classes will be held during this week.
In Hugginstown Church on Tuesday 8th. October at 7.30p.m. for the parents from Monroe and Newmarket Schools.
In Stoneyford Church on Wednesday 9th. October at 7.30p.m. for the parents of Stoneyford School.
October Station Masses:
October Station Masses will be celebrated in
Stoneyford Church on Saturday 12th. October at 6.30p.m. and in Hugginstown Church on Sunday 13th. October at 11.15a.m.
Envelopes for your contributions are available at the Church Porch. Your contributions are for the support of the priests of the Parish and the Diocese.
Mass Times:
The revised Mass Times for the Pastoral Area of Aghaviller, Ballyhale and Mullinavat will come into effect on the First Sunday of Advent 2019. (November 30th./December 1st.).
Stoneyford Church: Mass on Saturday at 6.30 p.m.
Hugginstown Church: Mass on Sunday at 10.00 a.m.
Ballyhale Church; Mass on Saturday at 7.30 p.m.
Knockmoylan Church; Mass on Sunday at 9.00 a.m.
Knocktopher Church; Mass on Sunday at 11.00 a.m.
Bigwood Church; Mass on Saturday at 6.30 p.m.
Mullinavat Church; Mass on Sunday at 10.00.a.m.
Safeguarding Contacts:
Diocesan Designated Liaison Person:
Mr. Cathal Cullen Tel: 087 100 0232 or
Diocese of Ossory Web Page:
Gardaí 1800 555 222:
Tusla – Kilkenny Area – Tel: 052 617 7302.
Aghaviller Parish Representatives are: Teresa Broderick and Carmel O’Toole
“Day for Life” – The Catholic Bishops of Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland have chosen to focus on domestic abuse as the theme for ‘Day of Life 2019’. They wish to raise awareness of the prevalence of this issue across the countries. Please take the ‘Day for Life’ card, in the Church Poarch, issued by the Irish Bishops.
Please Note:
Due to GDPR Regulations we are unable to publish names in the Newsletter to congratulate Families for Baptism or Couples for Marriage without the written consent of those involved.
All notices for the Newsletter to be left in before 5.00p.m. on Thursdays please.
Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email