Stoneyford, Hugginstown, Newmarket & Ennisnag
26 Feabhra 2018
Stoneyford/ Ennisnag News
Stoneyford Development Association: 48th Annual General Meeting
Please note the Annual General Meeting of the SDA will take place on Monday 12th March at 8pm at Stoneyford Community Centre. Annual Membership is only €5. Membership forms available at the AGM Registration Desk on the evening. Only paid up members are entitled to vote or to be elected to Committee. Membership Application forms and Committee/Officer Nomination forms available upon request from SDA PRO Donie Butler 087-3156359 or or The closing date for nominations is this Friday 2nd March 2018. Non-members are welcome to AGM as observers. Do remember that this is your local action lobbying organisation in our Community. This your yearly chance to be heard and make your views known and to support the work of this influential local umbrella committee who represents the Active Retired, the various Residents Associations/Groups, local Businesses, the GAA & Soccer Clubs, Tidy Towns & History & Heritage and more. Your Village… Your Community… Your Opportunity….!
First Litter Pick of the Year:
Please Note that the first Litter Pick of the Year will take place this Saturday 3rd March at 10.30am. Volunteers:
Ennisnag area Paddy Ganly, Pat Phelan, Christy O’Sullivan and Donal Sheridan:
Kells Road Kathy Ryan and Tony Roche:
Lawcus Fields: Joe Whyte:
Chapel View: Regina Moran & Kieran Walsh.
Norelands Rd: Micheal & Rita O’Fearghail.
Stonecarthy Rd: Brid Sheehan.
Knocknabooley/Jerpoint Rd: Declan Lennon & Donie Butler.
Knocktopher Rd: Paschal Long. Community Centre/Main St: Young volunteers.
Tidy Towns:
A new Landscaping plan is being put together for 2018. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Contact any committee member.
Litter Free Environment:
Remember a Litter Free Environment is the responsibility of all of us and just not the Tidy Towns Group. If you have litter- bin it and if you see litter- just pick it up. We are seeking Road & Estate volunteers to take part in our 2018 Litter Pick campaign. Litter Picks will take place on the first Saturday of each month commencing on 3rd March up to and including first Saturday in October. Two volunteers per road or estate would mean a maximum of 4 Litter Picks per year per volunteer. Many hands make light work! Thank You.
History & Heritage Society:
A meeting of the History & Heritage Society will take place on Tuesday 27th Feb at 2.15p.m. Note day & time. The programme for 2018 will be discussed and decided. All are welcome. Your assistance with identifying people in the photographs submitted will be very much appreciated.
Stoneyford Old Photo Exhibition Easter 2018:
Over 90 photographs have been supplied by the people of Stoneyford and surrounding area. Thanks to all who supplied the old photographs for our forthcoming Photographic Exhibition due to be held at Stoneyford Community Centre on Easter Sunday, April 1st.
We are still looking for a photograph of the old pre 1927 ‘hump-back’ bridge in Stoneyford as well as any photograph of Lanigans & Lee’s Forge’s and O’Neill’s Pub shopfront.
Stoneyford Bingo:
Bingo Session in the Community Centre, Stoneyford on every Tuesday at 8.30p.m.
Newmarket/Hugginstown News
Newmarket/Hugginstown Social Club:
The Newmarket/Hugginstown Social Club will have their ‘Get Together’ on Tuesday 27th. February in “Gáirdín an Ghorta”. Mass will be celebrated at 2.00p.m to celebrate ‘World Day of the Sick’ and will include the Sacrament of the Sick. All are very welcome.
Monroe School:
Meeting of the Board of Management in Monroe School on Thursday 1st. March at 8.30p.m.
Nuacht Eile
Hedge Cutting deadline this Wednesday 28th February:
Farmers and Landowners; remember this Wednesday is the final day for hedgerow cutting this year: Wednesday 28th. February. Please prioritise your roadside hedgerows. Thank you.
Local Lotto Results:
Draw: Monday 19th. February 2018 Numbers: 23; 10; 14. Bonus No: 21.
No Match 3 Winner: No Match 4 Winner: No Jackpot Winner:
5 x €30.00 Winners:
- Mick Finnerty, Hugginstown;
- Donna Murphy, Kilkeasy;
- Margaret Corcoran, Lawcus;
- Nattania Jackson, c/o C. Barron;
- James Duggan, Boolyglass.
3 Sellers €15.00 each:
- Eamonn Irish; “Heaslip’s”;
- John Power.
Next week: Match 3: €1,000.00; Match 4: €2,000.00; Jackpot: €12,200.00;
Next Draw on Monday 26th. February 2018. Please submit returns by 8.30p.m. Draw at 9.00p.m
Digital Skills for Citizens:
Training at Noreside Education Centre, Dean Street, Kilkenny. All training is free.
Training in Internet; E-mail; Search Engines; Online Government Services; Voice & Video Calls; Social Media; Shopping Online; Internet Banking and Digital Photography. For more information please contact: Ann or Craig; Phone: 056 776 2146 or 056 776 4667.
Stoneyford/Hugginstown Notes:
Please submit your News by email only preferably before 6pm on Sundays at latest or earlier if possible to