Stoneyford History & Heritage Society
15 Eanáir 2018
Dear All,
You should be aware by now that as part of our H&HS 2018 programme of events that we are planning a Nostalgia Evening at the Community Centre on Monday next 22nd January at 7.30pm. I would like the committee to assist in a few ways if possible:
- Meet and greet people as they arrive.
- Receive photographs from attendees.
- Please ensure that they have their names and contact details on envelopes containing photographs. I will have a spare supply of envelopes available if needs be.
- Assistance with the scanning of the photos……….say two computer literate young people. Perhaps Foroige Volunteers.
The overall aim is to launch the Permanent Exhibition circa Easter time at the Community Centre and tie it in with a simplified Easter Ceremony this year.
Nostalgia Evening:
An evening of Nostalgia will be held at the Community Centre, Stoneyford on Monday 22nd. January at 7.30p.m. A video recording and photos taken at the 2017 Easter Remembrance Ceremony, as well as photos from the recent Senior Citizens Christmas Party and the ERC will be shown. People are asked to bring along their Old Photographs on the evening, which will be considered for a permanent Exhibition to be mounted at the Community Centre in 2018. Photos will be scanned and returned on the evening.
Stoneyford History & Heritage Society
We are also seeking photos and names of the first Stoneyford Development Association and the first Tidy Towns Committee(s). Do remember to put your photos in an envelope with your name and contact detail written lightly on the reverse of each photo. Also put your contact details Address, telephone and or email address on the front of the envelope. Contact Donie Butler, Chair H&HS for further information 087-3156359 or
I look forward to meeting you on the evening. Thanks you for your support.
Kind regards,