Aghaviller Parish Newsletter 28th. and 29th. October 2017
Hugginstown and Stoneyford Churches.
“Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time”
Priests in the Parish:
Liam Cassin Telephone: 056 776 8693 or Mobile 087 231 2354
Peter Hoyne Telephone: 056 776 8678 or Mobile 086 373 8492
Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish: – Monday 30th. October to Sunday 5th. November 2017
Hugginstown: Monday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m.
Vigil – Tuesday 31st. at 8.00p.m.; Wednesday 1st. at 11.00a.m.
Vigil – Saturday 4th. at 8.00p.m.; Sunday 5th. at 11.00a.m.
Stoneyford: Friday at 7.00p.m.
Vigil – Tuesday 31st. at 6.30p.m.; Wednesday 1st. at 10.00a.m.
Vigil – Saturday 4th. at 6.30p.m.; Sunday 5th. at 10.00a.m.
Wednesday 1st.
Feast of All Saints. Holy Day of Obligation (Mass times above)
Thursday 2nd.
Feast of All Souls. (The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed)
Friday 3rd. Feast of First Friday
Visitation with Holy Communion will take place as usual next Friday. Please let us know if you would like to receive
Holy Communion in your home for the First Fridays or at any other time.
Saturday 4th. Feast of St. Charles Borromeo.
Pray For: Fr. Joe Campion, Castlecomer; who died during the week.
Margaret and John Phelan, Stonecarthy. Mass in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 28th. October at 6.30p.m.
Tom and Kathy Noonan, Aghaviller. Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 28th. October at 8.00p.m.
Bill Barron, Croan. Mass in Hugginstown Church on Sunday 29th. October at 11.00a.m.
Rota for next week-end: 4th. and 5th. November – (Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Stoneyford: Saturday 6.30p.m. Catherina Roche; Sunday 10.00a.m. Pat Fennelly
Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Pat Power; Sunday 11.00a.m. Caroline Kenneally
Eucharistic Ministers:
Stoneyford: Saturday 6.30p.m. Kitty Wallace; Sunday 10.00a.m. Mary Malzard.
Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Patricia Barron; Sunday 11.00a.m. Carmel O’Toole
Note: Readers and Eucharistic Ministers for 31st./1st. November as on 28th./29th/ October if possible please.
Anniversary Masses next weekend:
In Stoneyford Church on Saturday 4th. November at 6.30p.m. – Philip Murphy, Lawcus.
In Hugginstown Church on Sunday 5th. Novemberat 11.00a.m. – Winnie Nolan, Newmarket
Remembrance Masses for November:
Remembrance Mass for the Faithful Departed will be celebrated in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 4th. November at 8.00p.m. and in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 11th. November at 6.30p.m. All who have lost a family member during the past year will be invited to bring a candle to the altar in remembrance of their loved ones during the Mass; and all are invited to write down the names of their own departed ones and place them at the altar for the month of November. They will be remembered at all Masses during the month of November.
The Rosary will be recited in Stoneyford Cemetery on Sunday 5th. November at 10.40a.m.
The Rosary will be recited in Calvary Cemetery on Sunday 5th. November at 11.50a.m.
The Rosary will be recited in Hugginstown Cemetery on Sunday 12th. November at 11.45a.m.
Summer Time Ends:
Clocks will go back one hour this Saturday night 28th. October 2017
November – Month of the ‘Holy Souls’:
Some people choose to abstain from alcohol for the month of November and offer this prayerful act in honour of their Deceased Loved Ones or for someone they know or love with an addiction.
November Offerings:
Extra envelopes for the November Offerings are available in the Church Porch.
Please use them for your offering, which can be returned during the month of November.
October Station:
Many thanks to all who contributed to the October Stations during the past few weeks.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land:
The Ossory Adult Faith Development group are organising a Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In October 2018 (2nd. to 10th.) you will have an opportunity to prayerfully follow in the footsteps of Jesus around many of the locations that framed his life and ministry. Visit Jerusalem, Jericho, the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, the River Jordan, Bethlehem, the Garden of Gethsemane and many other places as we reflect on the life of Jesus and his earliest followers. Pilgrimage Chaplains: Fr. Kieran O’Shea and Fr. Dermot Ryan. More information at or from the AFD Office 056 775 3624.
Newmarket/Hugginstown Text Alert Group:
Membership is due for renewal on 1st. November. The €10.00 subscription for the year will be collected between 7.00p.m. and 9.00p.m. on Wednesday 1st. November in Hugginstown Community Hall. Thanks for your continued support and new members are most welcome.
All notices for the Newsletter to be left in before 5.00p.m. on Thursdays please.
Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email