Aghaviller Parish Newsletter 25th. and 26th. February 2017
(Hugginstown and Stoneyford Churches).
“Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time”
Priests of the Parish:
Liam Cassin Telephone: 056 776 8693 or Mobile 087 231 2354
Peter Hoyne Telephone: 056 776 8678 or Mobile 086 373 8492
Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish: – Monday 27th. February to Sunday 5th. March 2017
Hugginstown: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m. Wednesday at 7.30p.m.
Vigil – Saturday 4th. at 8.00p.m.; Sunday 5th. at 11.00a.m.
Stoneyford: Wednesday and Friday at 7.00p.m.
Vigil – Saturday 4th. at 6.30p.m.; Sunday 5th. at 10.00a.m.
Wednesday 1st. Ash Wednesday (Beginning of Lent) “Day of Fast and Abstinence”
Mass Times: Stoneyford 7.00p.m. Hugginstown 7.30p.m.
Blessing and Distribution of Ashes will take place during both Masses on Ash Wednesday.
Blessing and Distribution of Ashes in the three schools on Wednesday 1st. March.
Friday 3rd. First Friday
Visitation with Holy Communion will take place as usual next Friday. Please let us know if you would like to receive
Holy Communion in your home for the First Fridays or at any other time.
Pray For:
Anniversaries: Ellen and Kathleen Lawlor, Knocknaboola; Mass in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 25th. February at 6.30p.m.
John Dwyer, Baysrath; Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 25th. February at 8.00p.m.
Rota for next week-end: 4th. and 5th. March 2017: (First Sunday of Lent)
Stoneyford: Saturday 6.30p.m. Declan Lennon; Sunday 10.00a.m. Michael Dermody.
Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Teresa Broderick; Sunday 11.00a.m. Kay Power
Eucharistic Ministers:
Stoneyford: Saturday 6.30p.m. Maria Reid; Sunday 10.00a.m. T. J. Mills.
Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Mary Murphy; Sunday 11.00a.m. Ruth Crowley
Anniversary Mass next week:
In Stoneyford Church on Saturday 4th. March at 6.30p.m. – Jacqueline Hudson.
In Hugginstown Church on Saturday 4th. March at 8.00p.m. – David, Mary and James Kenneally
First Penance:
First Penance will be celebrated for Newmarket School on Monday 6th. March at 7.00p.m.
First Penance will be celebrated for Monroe School on Monday 27th. March at 7.00p.m.
First Penance will be celebrated for Stoneyford School on Wednesday 29th. March at 7.00p.m.
Stoneyford Development Association – A.G.M.:
The A.G.M. will be held in the Community Centre, Stoneyford on Monday 6th. March at 8.15p.m.
All welcome. See for further details.
Lenten Retreats:
During Lent the Adult Faith Development, St. Kieran’s College are holding Parish Evening Retreats in the College.
For further information please contact 056 775 3624.
Bingo Session in the Community Centre, Stoneyford on every Tuesday at 8.30p.m.
A sincere congratulations to all associated with Carrickshock GAA Club on winning the All-Ireland Intermediate Hurling Final.
Well done to the players and their families, to all the officials and all their supporters.
Lenten Challenge!
Many people abstain from alcohol and take the Short-Term Pledge for the duration of Lent. Take this opportunity to help someone you know or love with an alcohol or drug problem by offering up your Lenten sacrifice as a prayer for their freedom and well-being. We can all make a difference to someone’s life!
Kilkenny M.A.B.S.:
Kilkenny M.A.B.S. is concerned with the difficulties being faced by many people with mortgage and debt issues. Anyone affected by debt should not ignore the matter but seek help as early as possible and this may alleviate the stress and social difficulties associated with debt. Money management and negotiation with creditors are issues many people identify with.
Kilkenny Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) as Approved Intermediaries offer a free service to assess people to apply for Debt Relief Notices (DRN). MABS also assist with mortgage arrears and attend Court in a supporting role in mortgage arrears cases.
Kilkenny MABS is a Free, Confidential and Independent Service funded through CIB.
Contact Kilkenny MABS, 8 William St, Kilkenny 076 107 2610 or
Lotto Results:
Draw: Monday 20th. February 2017 Numbers: 21; 14; 03. Bonus No: 13.
No Match 3 Winner: No Match 4 Winner: No Jackpot Winner:
€30.00 Winners: Bridget Cleary, Hugginstown; May O’Shea, Croan.
Billy O’Meara, Ballintee; Bernard Dunne, Lawcus; Eimear Foran, Monroe
3 Sellers €15.00 each: John Power; Tommy Hoyne; Fred Malzard.
Next week: Match 3: €1,000.00; Match 4: €2,000.00; Jackpot: €7,200.00;
Next Draw on Monday 27th. February 2017. Please submit returns by 8.30p.m. Draw at 9.00p.m.
Golf Classic:
Lions Club Golf Classic on Saturday 1st. April at Kilkenny Golf Club in aid of Kilkenny Alzheimer’s Day Care Centre. Starting at 9.00a.m. to 1.00p.m. 3 Person Team event. For more information contact: Pat O’ Hanlon 087 696 5970
Carrickshock G. A. A. Club:
Carrickshock G.A.A. Club wish to thank all for their support of the Intermediate Team, the home coming in Stoneyford and Hugginstown will live long in all our memories. We invite you to celebrate the winning of the A.I.B. Intermediate Club All Ireland Final, at our Dinner Dance on March 11th. Tickets are now on sale through any committee member.
Carrickshock Juvenile Club:
The Club will hold there A.G.M. on Friday 3rd. March at 7.30p.m. All are welcome. Carrickshock GAA and the Comogie Club will hold there Registration Day on Saturday 4th. March at 2.30p.m. in the G.A.A. Club Rooms.
Stoneyford Active Retirement Group:
Meeting will take place in the Community Centre next Wednesday 1st. March at 2.30p.m.. New people will be most welcome.
Stoneyford Tidy Towns:
The March Litter Pick will take place on Saturday 4th. March. Meet at Community Centre at 10.30a.m. All are welcome. Bring along your high viz jacket, gloves, litter pick (if you have one) and suitable footwear.
All notices for the Newsletter to be left in before 5.00p.m. on Thursdays please.
Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email