Aghaviller Parish Newsletter 26th. and 27th. November 2016.

(Hugginstown and Stoneyford Churches).

“First Sunday of Advent”

St. Andrew

St. Andrew

Priests of the Parish:

Liam Cassin Telephone:             056 776 8693      or      Mobile 087 231 2354

Peter Hoyne Telephone: 056 776 8678      or      Mobile 086 373 8492

Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish:    Monday 28th. November to Sunday 4th. December.

Hugginstown:    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m.

                        Vigil – Saturday 3rd. at 8.00p.m.; Sunday 4th. at 11.00a.m.

Stoneyford:       Wednesday and Friday at 7.00p.m.

                        Vigil – Saturday 3rd. at 6.30p.m.; Sunday 4th. at 10.00a.m.

Wednesday 30th. Feast of St. Andrew.           Saturday 3rd.   Feast of St. Francis Xavier

Friday 2nd.                                 First Friday.     

Visitation with Holy Communion will take place as usual next week-end.

Please let us know if you would like to receive Holy Communion in your home for the First Fridays or at any other time.

Pray For:

Anniversaries:   Dick and Maura Roche, Lawcus. Mass in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 26th. November at 6.30p.m.

Martin Brennan, Gowlawn. and Pat Irish, Hugginstown. Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 26th. November at 8.00p.m.

Jack Power, Newmarket;  Mass in Hugginstown Church on Sunday 27th. November at 11.00a.m.

The Hanrahan Family, Sheepstown.

Rota for next week-end: 3rd. and 4th. December: (Second Sunday of Advent)


Stoneyford:         Saturday 6.30p.m. Catherina Roche; Sunday 10.00a.m. Pat Fennelly.

Hugginstown:     Saturday 8.00p.m. Pat Duggan;          Sunday 11.00a.m. John Barron.

Eucharistic Ministers:

Stoneyford:         Saturday 6.30p.m. Kitty Wallace.       Sunday 10.00a.m. Mary Malzard.

Hugginstown:     Saturday 8.00p.m. Patricia Barron;     Sunday 11.00a.m. Carmel O’Toole.

Anniversary Masses next week:

In Hugginstown Church on Saturday 3rd. December at 8.00p.m. – Michael Murphy, Lismatigue.

In Hugginstown Church on Sunday 4th. December at 11.00a.m.   – Pat Crowley, Castlemorris.

Aghaviller Parish Pastoral Council:

Meeting for all members on Wednesday 30th. November in the Parish House, Hugginstown at 8.00p.m.

November Offerings:

Many thanks for your contributions to the November Offerings during the past weeks.


Bingo Session in the Community Centre, Stoneyford on every Tuesday at 8.30p.m.


Congratulations to Fiadh Juliet Mackey/Maher, Kyleva, and her parents Cáit and John.

Fiadh was baptised in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 19th. November.

Diocesan Pastoral Plan:

We welcome Gemma Mulligan, (Diocesan Plan Coordinator) who will speak about the Diocesan Pastoral Plan

at all Masses in the Parish this weekend 26th/.27th. November.

Change of Mass Time:

As Schools will be open on December 8th. Mass in Hugginstown will be changed to 9.30a.m.

Advent Texts:

The Diocesan Faith Development Group is, once again, offering the daily text service during Advent.  Each day a short line of scripture or reflection will be sent to your mobile phone.  If you would like to receive these messages, at no cost, please send your mobile number by text to 085 831 3100 or email or Telephone 056 775 3624.

Lotto Results:

Draw: Monday 21st. November 2016        Numbers: 14; 27; 31.     Bonus No: 26.

No Match 3 Winner:      No Match 4 Winner:                 No Jackpot Winner:

€30.00 Winners: Emma, Roisin & Eoin c/o Teresa Fitzgerald;           “The 4 of Us”, Rathduff.

Mary Carroll, Harristown;    “M.E.P.” c/o James Irish                     Michael Irish, Hugginstown.

3 Sellers €15.00 each:     James Irish;        Trish Power;      Fred Malzard.

Next week:   Match 3: €1,000.00;   Match 4: €2,000.00;            Jackpot: €6,000.00;

Next Draw on Monday 21st. November. Please submit returns by 9.00p.m. Draw at 9.30p.m                                                                                                                           

Newmarket/Hugginstown Social Club:

The ‘Get Together’ will take place on Tuesday 29th. November from 2.00p.m. to 4.30p.m. in “Gáirdín an Ghorta”, Newmarket.

Kilkenny Community Radio will record a programme. All are very welcome.

Carrickshock G.A.A.:

Best wishes to the Intermediate Hurling Team in the Leinster Final on next Saturday in Newbridge.


Christmas Fundraiser Concert will be held on Friday, December 2nd. in Carmelite Church, Knocktopher. The night will begin with a recital by the High Hopes Choir of Christmas Carols; followed by Suzanne Rowe and the Scoil Aireagail Trad Group. The night will close with the Kilkenny Gospel Choir. Refreshments will be served in the Hall after the Concert. During the interval a raffle will take place for a range of prizes that will suit both young and old alike. Tickets will be on sale in the local shops or at the door on the night.

Newmarket &Hugginstown Text and Community Alert Group:

A meeting will take place for all current and any new members wishing to join, on Thursday 1st. December at 7.30pm in Hugginstown Community Centre. The Gardai from Thomastown will be in attendance to offer advice and answer any questions. At this meeting, there will be a facility for current members to pay their subscription to cover the costs of running the group for the next 12 months. We are also very anxious to get new members to join so, please remind your family and friends to come along. If you need any further information, please contact any of the following committee members: Stephen Cassin (Ballygeradra), Willie Barron (Newmarket), Carmel O’Toole (Newmarket), Cleeve Cuddily (Booleyglass), John Fitzgerald (Hugginstown)

‘Go for Life Games Day’:

Kilkenny Recreation and Sports Partnership would like to invite you to participate in a ‘Go for Life Games Day’ that will take place in Carlow IT on the 2nd. December. This day is open to all Older Adults in Kilkenny, Carlow and Waterford and is a great way for groups to see the games in action.  KRSP will organise a bus departing from The Watershed at 9.45a.m. For more information contact Caitríona Corr at 056 779 4991 or 087 975 0501.

Thomas Hayes Trust”:

The Thomas Hayes Trust is an organisation to provide much needed counselling services and family supports to those effected by suicide, and people struggling with everyday life because of bullying, anxiety, panic attacks etc.   We welcome children, teenagers and adults to avail of our services, therefore, raising the awareness that “It’s OK. not to feel OK”; and to ask for help. The door of Teac Tom is open on Monday to Friday from 9.30a.m. to 3.00p.m. and for appointments, so people can come in for a chat and a cuppa.  For further information contact Angela Hayes at 087 656 6377


All notices for the Newsletter to be left in before 5.00p.m. on Thursdays please.  

Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or email



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