S.D.A. 5th. May 2016. Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Executive meeting of Stoneyford Development Association 5 May 2016.


Present: Joe Whyte, Regina Moran, Conchubhar de Róiste. and Micheál Ó Fearghail.

Apologies: Kathy Ryan, Fred Malzard

The meeting was called to order at 21.30 hrs. The Chairperson Joe Whyte presided.


Financial Statement:

Joe, in the absence of Fred, presented a comprehensive report on the current financial situation of SDA.


Bank Balance : €7,640

Expenditure: €14,480

Income:      € 11,880

Carried Forward:


Outstanding Balance on loan: €92,308

The minutes were read and signed.


Matters Arising From the Minutes:

  1. Joe reported that the money spent on a magnetic door system was returned. The money to be used to replace incandescent bulbs with L.E.D. as the need arises.
  2. It was decided to proceed with the registration of SDA as a charity but to defer the final decision until the application is complete.
  3. The provision of a suitable Child Protection, Mission and Health and Safety statements is in progress.
  4. It was decided to seek volunteers to act as Centre management personnel. There will be an advertisement placed in the Parish Newsletter
  5. The playground gate has not been painted a different colour.
  6. The portacabin is being repaired.
  7. A new electricity provider has been found.
  8. It was decided to establish a Film Club in the Autumn 2016
  9. Next meeting: 15 September 2016.
  10. G.M. set for 13 October 2016.
  11. It was decided to investigate Max-Fi as a suitable solution to our Broadband problems. Max will demo his equipment.


Max-Fi asked permission to demonstrate his equipment.

Meeting ended 23.10 hrs.

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