Aghaviller Parish Newsletter 19th. and 20th. March 2016

(Hugginstown and Stoneyford Churches.)

 “Palm Sunday”


Priests of the Parish:

    Liam Cassin Telephone:            056/7768693             or   Mobile 087/2312354

    Peter Hoyne Telephone:             056/7768678            or   Mobile 086/3738492

Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish: Monday 21st. March to Sunday 27th. March 2016.

     Hugginstown:             Monday and Tuesday 9.30a.m.; Thursday 8.00p.m

                                    Vigil – Saturday at 9.00p.m.;   Sunday at 11.00a.m.

      Stoneyford:              Thursday at 7.00p.m.

                                    Vigil – Saturday at 6.30p.m.; Sunday at 10.00a.m.

Friday 25th.                    Good Friday               –            Day of Fast and Abstinence.

Visitation with Holy Communion for Easter will take place as usual next week-end as on First Fridays. Please let us know if you would like to receive Holy Communion in your home for Easter or at any other time during the year.

Pray For:         Gabriel (Garbo) Hayes, nee Hennessy; Thomastown and late of Stoneyford who died during the week.

Anniversary: Kathleen and Ellen Lawlor, Knocknaboola: Mass in Stoneyford Church on Saturday 19th. March at 6.30p.m.

Rota for next week-end:             26th. and 27th. March 2016 (Easter Sunday)


Hugginstown:                           Saturday   9.00p.m. Teresa Broderick;                           Sunday    11.00a.m. Deirdre O’Shea

Stoneyford:                        Saturday   9.00p.m. Catherina Roche;                                Sunday     10.00a.m Donal Butler.

Eucharistic Ministers

Hugginstown:                         Saturday  9.00p.m. Nancy Hearne;                                  Sunday    11.00a.m. Mary Cahill;

Stoneyford:                        Saturday   9.00p.m. Maria Reid;                                Sunday    10.00a.m. T. J. Mills;

Many Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are needed for all the Holy Week Ceremonies, please be available if possible for reading etc.

Anniversary next weekend:

In Hugginstown Church on Sunday 27th. March at 11.00a.m. – Kathleen Maher, Boolyglass.


The “Lenten Alms” Collection (Proceeds are used for Diocesan and Local Charities) will be held as a Church Door Collection after all Masses this weekend 19th. and 20th. March 2016.


Bingo Session in the Community Centre, Stoneyford on every Tuesday at 8.30p.m.

Easter Offerings:

Envelopes for the Easter Offering Collection are available at the Church Porch. Please take one and return it with your offering during the Easter Season. This offering is for the support of the priests of the Parish and Diocese.

Trócaire Collection:

We ask that all Trócaire Contributions be returned on Holy Thursday 24th. March 2016 or as soon as possible please.

The Offertory Collection during Masses on Holy Thursday will also go to Trócaire.

Lotto Results:

Draw: Monday 14th. March.             Numbers: 24; 02; 28.                                     Bonus No: 16.

No Match 3 Winner                               No Match 4 Winner                                    No Jackpot Winner:

Winners: €30.00:                                  Michael Conway, Aghaviller;                        Paddy Aylward, Baunskeha;

William O’Shea, Croan;                        John Irish, Hugginstown;                                    Majella Doyle, Jamestown

Sellers: €15.00 each:                         Trish Power;               John Power;                        Pat Fitzgerald.

Next week:     Match 3 €1,000.00;            Match 4 €2,000.00;                        Jackpot €10,100.00;

Next Draw on Monday 21st. March.   Please submit returns by 8.30p.m.; Draw at 9.00p.m.

The Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes:

Bookings for The Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes which will take place from 22nd. to 27th. May can now take place at 051 880 414 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10.30a.m. to 2.30p.m.. or email: or see Notice Board in Churches.

Lenten Programmes:

‘Sundays of Lent Reflection’: A Reflection Sheet available in Church Porch, Please collect one.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Restoration Fund Draw:

A new Draw will begin on Wednesday 30th. March. Tickets are available at the moment at €10.00 per month from the Parish House, Hugginstown. The draw will be held on the last Wednesday of each month with prize money €5,000.00 per month. Tickets must be in by Monday 28th. March to be included for this months draw.   If you can support, please let us know as soon as possible;

Please Phone 056 776 8693. or 087 231 2354 if you wish to buy a ticket.

A letter of thanks for the last draw and promotion for the present draw from Bishop Seamus Freeman is available in the Church Porch..

Newmarket/Hugginstown Social Club:

The next ‘Get Together’ will be on Tuesday 22nd. March from 2.00p.m. to 4.30p.m. in “Gáirdín an Ghorta”, Newmarket. The Social Club will be celebrating an ‘Irish Get Together’ in story telling, song and dance. All are very welcome to attend.

Irish Blood Transfusion Service:

A special thanks to all who donated blood at their Mobile Clinic in Carrick-on-Suir recently. 235 Donors attended the Clinic.

Holy Week Time Table:

The Betrayal of Christ

The Betrayal of Christ

Palm Sunday: 2016:

Palm will be blessed at the beginning of all Masses this weekend. (Saturday 19th. and Sunday 20th. March.)

Monday 30th. March to Sunday 6th. April 2014;

                        Hugginstown Church:

Monday 21st.                        9.30a.m.             Mass

Tuesday 22nd.                        9.30a.m.                        Mass

Thursday 24th.                           8.00p.m.             Mass of the Lord’s Supper; followed by Adoration

Friday 25th.                        3.00p.m.               Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

8.00p.m.                        Stations of the Cross

Saturday 26th.                        9.00p.m.                        Easter Vigil Mass

Sunday 27th.                       11.00a.m.             Easter Sunday Mass

Stoneyford Church:                                                                        

Tuesday 22nd.                   7.00p.m.       Stations of the Cross

Thursday 24th.                       7.00p.m.       Mass of the Lord’s Supper,

followed by Adoration.

Friday 25th.                         3.00p.m.     Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

7.00p.m.       Stations of the Cross

Saturday 26th.                       6.30p.m.       Easter Vigil Mass

Sunday 27th.                  10.00a.m.       Easter Sunday Mass.

Chrism Mass:

On Wednesday 23rd. March at 7.00p.m. Mass of Chrism in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny.   All Priests of the Diocese will Concelebrate Mass with Bishop Seamus Freeman.   During this Mass the Holy Oils for the Sacraments, and used by the priests during the year will be blessed. People from every parish in the Diocese and this years Confirmation Classes are invited to attend.

Dates to Remember for 2016:

Mass in preparation for First Holy Communion on Saturday 9th. April in Stoneyford Church at 6.30p.m.

and in Hugginstown Church at 8.00p.m.

First Holy Communion:

For Stoneyford School on Sunday 24th. April at 11.00a.m..   For Monroe/Newmarket Schools on 29th. May at 11.00a.m.;

Cemetery Masses:             Calvary Cemetery on Friday 3rd. June at 8.00p.m.; Stoneyford Cemetery on Friday 1st. July at 8.00p.m.

and Hugginstown Cemetery on Saturday 2nd. July at 8.00p.m.;

Barrow Training:

Barrow Training are now offering Major Award in Management QQI level 6 – 6M4587. Modules include Supervisory Skills, Business Management, Finance, Customer Service, Human Resource Management, Personal and Professional Development, Conflict Management, Corporate Governance, Boundary Management, Safety Management, Coaching, Employment Law and Leadership.   Dates and details are available on the website

Aghaviller Parish Safeguarding Children:

For information on Parish Policies please see Church Notice Board or contact the Parish Representatives for Safeguarding Children:

Teresa Broderick, Croan, Telephone: 087 292 3792 or Carmel O’Toole, Newmarket, Telephone: 087 699 6419  If you or anyone you know has a child safeguarding concern and wishes to report an allegation to the statutory authorities contact:   Kilkenny Gardai 056 777 7504

or H. S. E. 056 778 4532   Waterford Gardai 051 305 300 or H. S. E. 051 842 800. Nationwide: Childline 1800 66 66 66.

Carrickshock G.A.A.

“Greyhound Sweepstake”. A Fundraising ‘Race Night’ in Kilcohan Park, Waterford will take place on Saturday 2nd. April. Tickets available from Club Members with Cash Prize of €1,000.00. Your support would be appreciated: all are welcome to take part in draw.


Fr. Liam Lawton accompanied by the RTE Light Orchestra will be in Concert in St. Mary’s Cathedral on Friday, 8th. April at 8.00 p.m. Tickets are available at the Cathedral Bookshop and at the Diocesan Office. For further information contact Fr. Pat Dalton 086 828 3478

South Kilkenny Historical Society:

A Lecture on Padraig Pearse, will be given by Mr. Pat Cooke on Thursday, March 31st. at 8.00p.m. in Mullinavat Parish Hall (opposite Church). For further information please contact Eddie Synnott on 086 812 4349

Statement of Bishop Seamus Freeman:   Re: Cura:

“The Cura National Executive has announced the restructuring of the manner in which they can best deliver their services to the people of Ossory, and to our country. Ireland is a changing place and our population is, as a result of many developments of infrastructure and technology, now more mobile. Recognising this fact the National Executive of Cura are moving away from local offices to a regional structure which is more sustainable and still promises to deliver its excellent service to those in need.

I acknowledge that part of this restructuring necessitated the closure of the Kilkenny office but I welcome the fact that the people of Ossory will still be able to access the services of Cura from its new regional office in our neighbouring Waterford.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all involved in Cura Kilkenny over the past thirty-nine years. So many wonderful people have dedicated, and indeed will continue to dedicate their time from the Waterford Office, to this valuable service for the Diocese of Ossory”.


This is the greatest week in the Church’s year. We call it Holy Week because Jesus made it holy by his death. He died because of human evil and human sinfulness. Since we are all sinners, each of us can truthfully say that we had a hand in his death. But we must never forget that he died for love of us; We celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection that we might have a new hope and new life.


All notices for the Newsletter to be left in by Thursday evening please.

Contact:  Telephone: 056 776 8693 or E-mail:

The Parish Newsletter can be viewed online every week: at or at














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