S.D.A. 14th. December 2015 Committee Meeting
Agreed Statement S.D.A. Board Meeting 14th. December 2015
Present: Joe Whyte, Kathy Ryan, Conchubhar de Róiste, Fred Malzard and Micheál Ó Fearghail.
The meeting was called to order at 21.30 hrs. The Chairperson Joe Whyte presided.
The minutes were read and signed.
Financial Statement:
Treasurer Fred Malzard presented a comprehensive report on the current financial situation of SDA.
Bank Balance 14/12/2015: €3115.00
- General Purchases: €216.00
- Utilities and rates: €55.00
Total: €271.00
- €1420.00
- Carried Forward: €1966.00
Outstanding Balance on loan: 14/12/2015: €97,360.00
The minutes were read and signed.
It was noted that the Christmas Fair was a great success and was well attended.
The christmas party for Senior Citizens was very successful and the board thanked all those who helped out on the day.
It was decided to organise a fundraiser on the lines of Strictly Come Dancing. Fred undertook to manage this event and proposed that we join with Kells for this event.
Projects for the Future:
- Blinds to be procured for the meeting rooms.
- Fix Portacabin.
- Change Hall Lights to LED
- Replace Heating Pump.
- Buy T.V.
Meeting closed: 23.10hrs.