Farewell to Bella
Farewell to Bella

The last time I saw her
She hadn’t long to go.
Her dyskinetic movements
Clearly told me so.
Her once bright eyes, which shone and danced,
Were now dull, dim and grey,
As if to say that farewell time was not too far away.
Next day I learned that she had passed.
‘Twas peaceful in the end.
But, on the day that Bella died
I lost a dear old friend.
By Patrick Ganly
8th. Novembesr 2015
If you would like to hear Paddy read his poem please play the link below:
I cried too for Bella when I read this beautiful Poem.
This poem has been circulated to certain dog lovers in the USA.
Very well done Paddy Ganly, keep up the good work.
Hi Joseph,
Thank you for your kind comments I’m sure Paddy will be delighted. We are very proud of Paddy, he is a fantastic asset to our community.
Beir bua,
What a lovely poem, beautiful but sad, I miss her coming to visit in Lisnagry, Granny Meskell
Dear Granny Meskell,
Thank you for your kind comments, I’ll pass them on to Paddy, he’ll be thrilled.