Tidy Towns ‘Fix It’ Tasks to do 2015

Dear All,

Just a few items to close out before winter arrives:


Merino Drive Raised Bed:

  1. Render outside of block wall. PL & MR
  2. Insert pipe extension in existing hole for Xmas tree. POD
  3. Complete top soiling. DB ongoing from flower pots.
  4. Plant shrubs. DB waiting on pipe. Need to close out in next two weeks.


Noreland’s Jct. Wall:

  1. Foundation dug out and stones cleared. PP.Thanks to Pat Phelan.
  2. Concrete poured. PP &SH. Thanks to Tom Walsh at Doyle Concrete. Blocks also supplied.
  3. Wall construction due to commence. PP.


Ford River Steps:

  • Dig out steps from soil.
  • Acquire size of paving available from Council.
  • Put in base for Water pump and steps.



  • Paint Picnic Tables & Seats at CC.
  • Acquire paint for Breda


Daffodil & Shrub Planting:

  • Organise with John Hughes, Kells. DB
  • Decide on & cost shrubs.


Many thanks.


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