Tidy Towns Competition 2015
Adjudication Report
Centre: Stoneyford County: Kilkenny
Category: B
Ref: 1022 Mark: 247
Date(s): 03/07/2015
Max Points Awarded 2015
Community Involvement & Planning 60 35
Built Environment and Streetscape 50 30
Landscaping and Open Spaces 50 28
Wildlife, Habitats and Natural Amenities 50 28
Sustainable Waste and Resource Management 50 11
Tidiness and Litter Control 90 59
Residential Streets & Housing Areas 50 28
Approach Roads, Streets & Lanes 50 28
TOTAL MARK 450 247
Community Involvement & Planning / Rannpháirtíocht an Phobail & Pleanáil:
Welcome to the 2015 National Tidy Towns Competition, it is a pleasure to have Stoneyford back into the competition after an absence of almost sixteen years. There have been a number of changes since 1999 however judging by your submission the Tidy Towns Committee is well informed of changes. Check out the Tidy Towns web site for information on the requirement regarding the map to be submitted; it should feature numbered projects linked to their details in the entry form. It is also necessary to submit a Tidy Town plan or plan summary each year of entry. The submission this year is a bit confusing for your adjudicator with a lot of unnecessary material and should be streamlined for next year. The committee appears to be well structured with strong links to a variety of bodies, agencies and groups with an interest in the development of Stoneyford not least of these being schools. The Local News Notice board is an excellent initiative. We look forward to witnessing your progress in the coming years.
Built Environment and Streetscape / An Timpeallacht Thógtha agus Sráid-dreacha:
The school and its grounds enjoy a good presentation as does the church however the Garda station premises is an exception being badly weather stained. Stoneyford Engineering could feature attractive solid gates for better enclosure to its roadside boundary. The low corrugated roof of the Fuel Centre should be treated in the interests of visual amenity. Stoneyford Community Centre is visually stunning in design and presentation and amenity developments within its immediate environment enhance quality of life opportunities for the community. Well done on the installation of the new notice board and the extension to the Community Centre.
Landscaping and Open Spaces / Tírdhreachú agus Spásanna Oscailte:
We note the tree planting programme for Main Street due to start in this coming autumn; hopefully these will be native species. Sustainable flower beds shrub planting and container flower displays are notable for attractiveness and general presentation; these are complemented by well managed green open spaces. Container flower displays are numerous throughout Stoneyford. Well done on planting for other seasons also, the springtime display of daffodils must have been eye catching. Give thought for winter colour also and plant accordingly with an emphasis on native species as always.
Wildlife, Habitats and Natural Amenities / Fiadhúlra, Gnáthóga agus Taitneamhachtaí Nádúrtha:
The playing fields picnic area and park (with exercise trail / new walking trail) and new play ground within the environs of the Community Centre are being well managed and presented. The list of areas identified with ecological significance is impressive and we wish the committee every success with these projects. It is advisable to start small and take on projects appropriate to your human and financial resources. The Bennettsbridge group have a Biodiversity Template which is a useful tool in getting started which the committee may be able to avail of. We note the proposed workshop for June under the guidance of a professional ecologist and this undertaking is impressive, we look forward to future adjudications to experience the fruits of your work. Your entry form refers to ‘Refunded Programmes’ and gives as examples *Nature Trails and *Linear Walks this is not clear to your adjudicator and details should be provided next year including a copy or summary on the existing Ecology Report on
start small and take on projects appropriate to your human and financial resources. The Bennettsbridge group have a Biodiversity Template which is a useful tool in getting started which the committee may be able to avail of. We note the proposed workshop for June under the guidance of a professional ecologist and this undertaking is impressive, we look forward to future adjudications to experience the fruits of your work. Your entry form refers to ‘Refunded Programmes’ and gives as examples *Nature Trails and *Linear Walks this is not clear to your adjudicator and details should be provided next year including a copy or summary on the existing Ecology Report on the Kings River Wildlife & Habitat.
Sustainable Waste and Resource Management / Bainistiú Acmhainní agus Dramhaíola Inbhuanaithe:
Many sustainable waste and resource management initiatives are listed in your submission and thank you for these details the committee has made a really good start in this category. Both the Green Schools project and the Green Homes Programme are excellent and the involvement of Stoneyford in both is laudable. Keep in mind the primary objective which is Prevention of Waste at Source and not just recycling although the latter is still important. Log onto http://localprevention.ie/tidy-towns/ to see what other communities are doing.
Tidiness and Litter Control / Slachtmhaireacht agus Rialú Bruscair:
Litter control is excellent in Stoneyford and we note the setting up of a Litter Control Team and the appointment of Project Leaders for roads streets and estates, a very impressive structure! The number of sacks of litter collected (27 in March, 22 in April, and 10 in May) may be an indication of greater litter awareness generated by your activities. Weed control is strong too along roads and streets. A number of sites (mostly commercial) need greater enclosure to their curtilage areas in the interests of visual amenity. We note the application to the ESB and Kilkenny CoCo to have overhead service cables ducted this will improve the appearance of the streetscape significantly.
Residential Streets & Housing Areas / Sráideanna Cónaithe & Ceantair Tithíochta:
Well done on dialogue with residents regarding the maintenance and presentation of their properties and green areas within their estates. Your entry mentions the Community Awards night and the Best Garden Best Property and Best Estate Street & Road but does not indicate if the committee is running these, setting them up or other so we will need more details next year however it is good to note that there is good awareness of these initiatives. Chapel view development enjoys excellent maintenance and its open plan layout with landscaping is attractive. Many on-street houses in the village centre have been recently painted. A number of roadside boundary walls to dwellings need refurbishment.
Approach Roads, Streets & Lanes / Bóithre Isteach, Sráideanna & Lánaí:
Grass verges of approach roads enjoy good maintenance together with hedgerow name plates and other road signs. Remember it is important not to cut hedgerow between February and August. Entrances to Stonyford feature attractive stone walls and nicely maintained verges. Road surfaces within the centre are of good quality overall and are clearly marked; car parking is orderly. Hopefully when the overhead service cables are ducted the timber service poles will be replaced with attractive lamp-standards and co-ordinated with other street furniture.
Concluding Remarks:
The Stoneyford committee have made a most impressive re-entry to the Tidy Towns Competition and we anticipate exciting developments over the next few years.