Stoneyford Tidy Towns Summer 2015

A huge job of work has been done. We can all be proud of our collective achievements with over 50 items closed out and just 20 to go. I summarise the outstanding work programme to be completed ASAP as follows:


  1. Render & Cap HSE Health Centre wall. (Action Matt H/POD/PL)
  2. Construct Raised Bed at Merino Drive. (Action RM/JW/Fix It).
  3. Replace stones at Noreland’s Jct. Wall and erect wooden Fence like Finnegan’s. (Action Fix It)
  4. Create stone steps feature to Ford River & Erect Pump. (Action Fix It)

Paint: (Action Fix It & Prop Owners)

  1. Stoneyford Eng. Gates.
  2. KSM Roof (west side)
  3. Semi D House beside Claire Dunne’s gable wall.
  4. Derelict School Plywood (Fix It)
  5. Malzard’s Pub Walls.
  6. Lodges Wall.
  7. Unoccupied House beside old shop. (Fix It)
  8. Capping of CC wall. (Fix It)
  9. Gable end of CC. Height required. (Fix It).
  10. Paint John Sheehan’s, Andy’s, Water Treatment & O’Connell’s field gates. (Fix It).

Odd Jobs:

  1. Remove rubble from foot of stone wall near Info Board. (Fix It)
  2. Graphic window of Old Shop. DB
  3. Remove unused signs at KSM
  4. Clear growth at west side of KSM
  5. Remove some signage at KSM.
  6. Kebabish change signage. DB

Can we meet tomorrow evening at 9pm at the CC to finalise plan to get these projects across the line. We need one last push in the coming 10 days. Thanks for all of your help and support.


Thank You To Our Village Volunteers

Johnny O’Grady Johnny O’Grady Eddie Walsh Paddy Ganly
Regina Moran Paschal Long Paul Moran Christy O’Sullivan
Catherina Roche Olive Long Jim Rice Pat Phelan
Paddy O’Dwyer John Heddon Paddy O’Dwyer Donal Sheridan
Tony Roche Paul Ryan Mattie Hanrahan Kathy Ryan
Paul Hickey Helen Finnegan Eddie McNamara Tony Roche
Paddy Butler Rita Long Jimmy Sheehan Johnny O’Grady
Eddie Walsh Sheila Raggett Joe O’Dwyer Regina Moran
Mick Fennelly Donie Butler Joe Whyte Ger Devine
Paul Ryan Oliver Roche Fred Malzard
Olive Long John Walshe Elfie Kuehndorf
Donie Butler Breda Sheehan Roisin Malzard
Paschal Long Natalia Ladsrolknis
Donie Butler Pairaic O’Fearghail
Breda Sheehan Maire O’Dwyer Ciara Murray
Sponsors Jet Phelan Rita Long Paddy Butler
Irish Power & Process Ger Ryan Mickey Heddon Conchubhar de Roiste
Jerpoint Glass Daragh Heddon John Heddon Jackie de Roiste
Malzards Pub Sheila Lennon Danny Heddon Paschal Long
Sheridans Pub Brid Malzard Ryan Family Joe Whyte
Knockdrinnagh Paul Hickey Moran Family Micheal O’Fearghail
Kingsriver Comm. Paul Moran Eugene O’Neill Rita O’Fearghail
Donie Butler Malzard Family Audrey Roche
More Help Is Always Welcome
The Principal Padhraigh Moran, Staff & Pupils of Scoil Chiarain Naofa

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