Aghaviller Parish Newsletter 21st. and 22nd. March 2015.  

(Hugginstown and Stoneyford Churches).

   “Fifth Sunday of Lent”   

Priests of the Parish:

Liam Cassin Telephone:             056 776 8693     or        Mobile 087 231 2354

Peter Hoyne Telephone: 056 776 8678     or        Mobile 086 373 8492

Mass Times in Aghaviller Parish: – Monday 23rd. to Sunday 29th. March 2015

Hugginstown:    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30a.m:

                        Vigil – Saturday 28th. at 8.00p.m.;     Sunday 29th. at 11.00a.m.

Stoneyford:       Wednesday at 7.00p.m.

Vigil – Saturday 28th. at 6.30p.m.;     Sunday 29th. at 10.00a.m.

Wednesday 25th.            Feast of The Annunciation of Our Lord

Palm Sunday 29th March:

Palm will be blessed at the beginning of all Masses next week-end 28th. and 29th. March.

Pray For:

Anniversaries:             Babs, Neddy and John Walsh; Ballagh:    Anniversary Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 21st. March at 8.00p.m.                                 

Angela Lonergan, Lismatigue.

Rota for next week-end:    28th. and 29th. March 2015: (Palm Sunday.)


Stoneyford:         Saturday 6.30p.m. Vivion Fennelly;  Sunday 10.00a.m. Michael Dermody;

Hugginstown:     Saturday 8.00p.m. Cáit Broserick;  Sunday 11.00a.m. Lily Burke;

Eucharistic Ministers:

Stoneyford:         Saturday 6.30p.m. Maria Reid;      Sunday 10.00a.m. Bernie Grace;

Hugginstown:     Saturday 8.00p.m. Nancy Hearne;    Sunday 11.00a.m. Patricia Barron.


New Eucharistic Ministers for Hugginstown and Stoneyford Churches are needed for the Weekly Rota.

Training will begin in Ballyhale Parish Hall on Monday 23rd. March at 7.30p.m. Please contact 056 776 8693

Anniversary Masses next weekend:

In Stoneyford Church on Saturday 28th. March at 6.30p.m. –   James Sheehan, Stonecarthy.

In Hugginstown Church on Saturday 28th. March at 8.00p.m. – Kathleen Maher, Boolyglass.

In Hugginstown Church on Sunday 29th. March at 11.00a.m. – Jeff Nolan, Newmarket.

Sacrament of Healing and Reconciliation:

The Sacrament of Reconciliation for Easter will be celebrated during Masses this Saturday 21st. March 2015.

In Stoneyford Church during the 6.30p.m. Mass;

and in Hugginstown Church during the 8.00p.m. Mass.

Lenten Station:

Many thanks to all who contributed to the Lenten Stations during the past weeks.

These contributions are for the support of the priests of the Parish and Diocese.

Peace in Christ, Retreat House, Kilkenny:

“Walking with Jesus”.   A time to prepare for Easter through Prayer and Reflection on Sunday 29th. March from 10.30a.m. to 5.00p.m. Guided by Fr. Martin Delaney and the Retreat House Team.

Please contact: Peace in Christ at 056 772 1054 or Mary Doyle 056 776 8645;  or Maura Rohan 051 648 024 or Kathleen Fennelly 056 772 8260.      

Marian Devotion; (The Prayer of Mary)

The Rosary and Prayers will be recited on Tuesday 24th. in Stoneyford Church at 7.00p.m

The Rosary and Prayers will be recited on Thursday 26th. in Hugginstown Church at 7.30p.m

St. Mary’s Cathedral Restoration Fund Draw:

The fundraising campaign in the Diocese which is necessary to renovate and conserve St. Mary’s Cathedral is underway. This is a very big project in the Diocese and will need the support as many as possible. If you can support, please let us know. Tickets are available at the moment at €10.00 per month from the Parish House, Hugginstown. The draw will be held on the last Wednesday of each month with prize money €5,000.00 per month. The first draw will be on Wednesday 25th. March 2015. All Tickets must be in by Monday 23rd. March to be included for this months draw.

The Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes:

Bookings for The Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes which will take place from 22nd. to 27th. May 2015 can be made at 051 880414 on Monday to Friday from 10.30a.m. to 2.30p.m. (except Wednesdays). or email: or see Notice Board in Churches.


Bingo Session in the Community Centre, Stoneyford on every Tuesday at 8.30p.m

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society:

This is a Lay Organisation who pray and support Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.

The Society in Stoneyford is seeking new members, if interested please contact 085 145 5165.


The “Lenten Alms” Collection, will be held after all Masses next weekend 28th./29th. March.

Launch of Faith Fest 2013 with Liam Lawton Concert

Lotto Results:  

Draw: Monday 16th. March 2015     Numbers: 04; 16; 07.              Bonus No: 20.

One Jackpot Winner:                 No Match 3 Winner:              

€6,200.00 Winner:        Carmel Toner, c/o Jimmy Sheehan

€200.00 Seller of Ticket: Aoife Sheehan

3 Sellers €15.00 each:          Tom Cassin;         Catherine Barron;    Alice Murphy.

Next week:                     Jackpot: €5,000.00;                  Match 3: €1,000.00;                 

Next Draw on Monday 23rd. March. Please submit returns by 8.30p.m. Draw at 9.00p.m

Stoneyford Development Association:

The A.G.M. of the Stoneyford Development Association will be held in the Community Centre on Thursday 26th. March at 8.00p.m. Voting is confined to members of the Association and membership forms will be available on the night. The Community Centre is an integral part of the community and is now busier than ever so we urge all to come along on the night and have your voice heard.

Newmarket/Hugginstown Social Club:

A ‘Get Together’ will on Tuesday 24th. March from 2.00p.m. to 4.30p.m. in “Gáirdín an Ghorta”, Newmarket. All are very welcome.

Carrickshock G.A.A.

‘Breakfast with Carrickshock G.A.A.’ A Fundraising morning on Sunday March 29th. in Hugginstown and on Sunday April 12th. in Stoneyford. All are very welcome.

Annual Daffodil Day

The annual Daffodil Day Service will take place in St. Mary’s Cathedral Kilkenny on Friday March 27th. at 7.30p.m.   The service will include the blessing with the first class relic of St. Peregrine and the oil of St. Peregrine from his shrine in Italy. Music by the Kilkenny Gospel Choir. All are welcome.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land:

A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land will take place in September 2015. If interested please contact either Conor on 086 373 8460 or Mollie on 089 206 9317. The proposed Pilgrimage with JWT is subject to enough people being interested in going, and will leave from Carlow.

South Kilkenny Historical Society:

A Lecture on ‘W B Yeats and Irish Politics’; given by Dr. Jay Starliper will be given on Thursday, March 26th. at 8.00p.m. in Mullinavat Parish Hall. For further information contact Eddie Synnott on 086 812 4349


All notices for next weeks Newsletter to be left in by 5.00p.m. on Thursday please.

Contact: Telephone: 056 776 8693 or Email:




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