Tidy Towns Priority Projects March-April 2015.

Very Important!

Dear All,

It may look like a short list of items but may I assure you that there is an enormous volume of work involved both administratively and in physical effort.

  1.  Establish ‘A Team’ Volunteer Squad. Carry out various works as per ‘Black Spot’ audit. Meet with squad to assign tasks.
  2. Conservation Projects. Procure funding for Walls restoration project. Prepare submission to Leader/TUS.
  3. Complete Applications for various Grant funded projects.
  4. Complete formal Application & tweak 3 – 5 Year STT Plan Submission to National Tidy Towns competition.
  5. Sharpen/adjust Presentation to MDC of KCC.
  6. Plan & Advance Landscaping Programme.
  7. Devise ‘I love Stoneyford’ fundraising campaign.
  8. Ongoing Litter Management & plan next major ‘clean-up day’ on Saturday 4thApril.

Your assistance will required outside of Committee work to successfully execute above programme. Many thanks for all of your support to date.

Kind regards,


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