Fit Club

In 2003 members of Stoneyford Active Retirement felt that their fitness and wellbeing needs were not being met in the community. It was decided to contact Mr Séamus Nugent B.A. with a view to organising a fitness and wellbeing regime that would be suitable to the age profile in question. This club was named “Fit For Life”.

As the concept of, keeping fit was rather new to the group i.e. that senior citizens should look after their own fitness and wellbeing, the initial attendees at “Fit For Life” were rather tentative but as the year progressed the attendance improved and the group was largely self financing. The group took a break for Christmas 2013 feeling healthier and happier.


“Fit For Life” resumed in January 2014. Attendance at the sessions was still rather poor but still managed to cover costs. Various methods were made to entice new members and these met with varying degrees of success. One thing was clear, those who attended regularly benefitted greatly and had great fun while doing so.


In September of 2014 an open night was held where all were welcome to experience our “Fit For Life” at no cost to them. This proved to be a bad move as the group failed to attract new members and as a result of the expense incurred meant a loss was incurred by the year’s end 2014. This cost was covered by a grant from “Age Action Ireland”.

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