Stoneyford AC – June 2013


Congratulations to everyone again on Stoneyford 10k challenge fantastic running by our Juveniles in the 5k and all our adults in the 10k. A special mention to all the couch to 10k group…Well done!!!

Fit for life will continue for everyone Monday 7-8 on the track, we will do some work to build up speed, this will suit everyone so all welcome.

Wednesdays 7-8PM and Saturday mornings 9AM.

There is a programme to build up to 10miles if anyone is interested. I can send on the programme, send a request if your interested in programme. This programme will have you ready to run Stoneyford 10 miles on the 22nd of September.

There will be a night out for all AC adult members in Malzards Stoneyford Saturday the 22nd of June. Food will be available. Music!!! 8pm looking forward to seeing everyone.


This was the first year the club participated at the county championships. It was great to see our club singlet on the track.

Well done to all our Juveniles and seniors that participated in the county championships. YOU ALL DID YOUR CLUB PROUD.

A big congratulations to Leo McKeran U8 who cleaned up winning every event he entered in the County championships, Leo’s performance was fantastic on the track. He took gold in all his events. Leo will go on to represent Aghaviller parish in the community games all Ireland finals in Athlone on the 17 and 18th of August, Stoneyford AC wishes him the best of luck.

A big congratulation to Blaithin Holden U8 who won silver in all her events in the County championships , fantastic running Blaithin.

Ruairi Holden won bronze in the shot-put. Well done Ruairi.

John Moran and Mary Steed both won silver in the senior event, well done John and Mary.

The B County championship takes place in Thomastown Wednesday the 19th of June at 6.30pm. All Juveniles from age 7 up should attend this event.

We will finish the very young juveniles for the summer the end of June. (Janet’s group)

Training will continue for Sandra’s, Rob’s and Pat/Johns groups. We will all take the last week of July and the first two weeks of August off.

***WE WILL NOT TRAIN 23-26-30 JULY 02-06-09-12 AND 16 AUGUST. WE WILL BE BACK TRAINING ALL JUVENILES Tuesday 20th of August 2013.***


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