
If you would like to read a Draft copy of the Stoneyford Development Association’s proposed Constitution please click on the link below.


If you would like to download application forms for the 2009 Kilkenny County Council grants (Amenity & Section 66) click on the links below.

section66_2009_applicationform amenitygrants_2009_applicationform

We have gathered together a number of documents about Stoneyford and our plans for the future that you might find interesting. They cover the Development plan for the area, as well as an ecology study, urban design and zoning maps.

If you cannot find what you are looking for here you can ask the committee by using the contact form (linked to the left as ‘Contact Us’).

Stoneyford Urban Design Study (PDF)

Stoneyford Urban Design (IMAGE)

Stoneyford Local Area Plan (PDF)

Stoneyford Zoning Map (PDF)

Stoneyford Development Blocks (PDF)

Stoneyford Ecology Study (PDF)

Stoneyford Ecology Map (PDF)

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